"Now you got what you wanted." I whispered as tears rolled down my cheeks. "You probably broke my leg, and almost yanked my hair out. You can leave now, Justin."

"But, I'm not done, yet." He smiled.

He grabbed my wrist and twisted it, until I heard a crack. I wailed out in pain and he tightened the grip around my neck.

"Does that hurt?" He asked.

Tears poured down my face while I winced in pain. He violently shoved me on the ground, then turned around and began leaving.

"I'll be back." He said.

He left me sprawled out on the floor, crying my eyes out. I was bleeding and could barely move. I eventually crawled to the front door, and pushed it closed so nobody else would suspect something was wrong with me. After trying to crawl back to the staircase, I tried to stand up and balance myself.

But, my leg hurt so bad that I couldn't. And I could remember was falling onto the floor again.



I was on my way to Aaliyah's apartment so we could study together for our upcoming test in Language Arts. I hadn't seen her at school today and I was a bit worried since she didn't answer any of my phone calls or texts. Hopefully everything was okay.

When I got to her doorstep, I noticed that the door wasn't fully closed. I walked inside and to my surprise, Aaliyah was lying on the floor seemingly unconscious.

"Aaliyah!" I rushed over to her side, trying not to panic.

Fortunately she was still breathing. I sighed in relief—Thank God she was alive. Who knows what I would do if I found her dead?

"Aaliyah?" I tried to shake her awake. "Aaliyah, wake up."

She slightly opened her eyes, and looked at me, groaning. It was obvious that she was in pain. The way that she was lying gave it away.

"What happened, Aaliyah?" I asked. "Are you okay?"

"Nothing." She mumbled.

"Nothing?" My eyes bulged. "You're sprawled out on the floor like you're half dead or something. What happened, Aaliyah?"

She began crying and panting heavily. "Justin came into the apartment last night and threw me down the stairs. I think he broke my wrist, too."

"Oh my gosh." I frowned. "We have to tell Carlos and Daniel!"

"No, no no!" She nearly jumped up. "Please, don't tell anyone about this, Dalilah."

"Why not?"

"Because...you know that they will kill him." She said in between breaths. "Just don't tell anyone, please."

"Fine." I sighed. "But, I'm gonna call an ambulance."

Aaliyah nodded and I pulled out my phone to call an ambulance.

I was glad that she was okay, but I still felt bad because of what Justin did to her. You would have thought that the last time Justin did this to her he would've stopped since he got Jumped by Daniel, Alfonso, and a few other LM members. I knew for certain that if Daniel found out about this, they would kill him this time.

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