Chapter 2: Adults now

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--Hajime's POV--

Over the years, I've been building things, and fixing my magic, but to say that I'm ashamed by this world's magic, and my 'brother' Shin's magic, it's good but not the best. 

Now, we are here to show our 'family', our magic. It seems that Shin didn't think that they may use him for military purposes, but I thought ahead of them.  And, I will not show my most powerful magic, maybe just around what Shin uses.

As, we go trough Shin's Gate, and I was reading the magic formula, which was easy to read and understand. 

When we got to the barren landscape, we where waiting for Shin to display his magic. After he shot a fire based beam, he turned looking at everyone. As he noticed everyone was shocked except for Hajime (which he was never surprised, so that's expected) he asked "D-did I fail." bring everyone from their shock.
--Shin's POV--

As I turned around, looking at everyone, I noticed that everyone was shocked well maybe not my brother, but everyone else was.

So, I asked "D-did I fail." Successfully pulling them out of their thoughts, they where about to reply when Grandma Melinda started to yell at Grandpa Merlin, then me.

And as she was yelling we heard "I guess it's my turn now, eh, what a bother" from my brother Hajime.

Now, as he was walking up to where I was standing, he pulled a tool from a storage device, it was a gun. "Let's see, yep that's it" he fired, completely destroying what I've done, in the fraction of the time. "Let's return now." "H-hold on mister, where do you think you're going!? H-hey, I said hold on!" "Why, hmm, we've shown a portion of our powers, so why should I wait and stay here? Hmm?" He's the only one who would talk back to grandma and not be scared of her, actually, he's not scared of anything.

"O-okay, let go back before anyone get's hurt. Okay, here" As I opened the Gate home, Grandma says that we've passed.

--Time skip--

Sitting at the table, we where being praised on growing up and to me, being a fine man, and to my brother a scary man.

"So, Shin, Hajime, what are you going to do now that you both are adult?" Some asked, and before I could reply, Hajime started to speak.
"Hmm, I would get the hell away from you people." "Hajime! You can't cuss!" "Oh, and why can't I, hmm, a I not an Adult now, so why am I not allowed to cuss, swear, or anything of that nature, eh" "Because, I'm your grandmother, and I don't except that you're cussing in front of me." Grandma Melinda replied, angrily at Hajime, and releasing bloodlust that made everyone go quiet.

"And who said that you're my grandmother, because it sure as hell wasn't me, now was it. And plus Shin here still hasn't even been able to talk this entire time. He's the one that calls you Grandma Melinda, not me! Pay attention to him, and not to me. After all I'm gonna go leave soon" Hajime's reply, actually got Grandma Melinda to cry, and this is how Hajime pushed everyone's attention to me.
"So Shin, what are you going to do now? We've heard what Hajime is going to do." Asked Chris-Nee

"Hmm, maybe go put and explore the closest village."

"What about after" Uncle Tom asked
"I don't know, maybe buy something?"

"You see, if you weren't bothering me, you could've helped Shin learn basic common cense, but you even fail to do that! HA!" Hajime-nii-sama said coldly to everyone at the party, earning everyone to look down.
"Um, how about you go to my country, and learn basic common cense there. And meet people your own age." Uncle Dis spoke hopefully to bring up the spirit.

"Oh, and use him as a weapon, after holding his loved ones in a hostage situation, or putting them in a war which he'll feel obliged to help fight then?" Hajime pointed out, but I'm still stuck on when he said his country!

"Uncle Dis, you have a country?" I asked in a very questioning way

"Hmm, have I never told you? My full name is Diseum von Earlshide, and I'm the current king of the Earlshide kingdom!" Uncle Dis replied

 "Then what about Sieg-nii and Chris-nee!?"

"Oh, my full name is Siegfried Marquez, and I'm here to protect your majesty the king. Also I'm part of the magic division of the Earlshide army."

"And Chris-nee?"

"My name is Christina Hayden, I'm a Imperial Knight, and Here to escort your majesty"

"Oh, I can see Chris-nee, but Sieg-nii, really" I said, not  fully trusting them

"Yes, and the King just said, that he want's to put you into one of his schools" Hajime said standing near the door. Wait, when did he stand, and walk over there by the door?

"Wait hold up, I don't like to say this, but yes, Hajime does have a point. How do we know you're not going to rope him up into your military, and use" Grandma has said a great point. And she agreed with Hajime.

"I swear upon my name that I will not use them for any military gain, and just for learning  at the magic school." Uncle Dis has said

"And who said that I was going" Hajime started to say that he wasn't going, and that he has plans.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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