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Months later of spending time with the so-called ghost , I learned a few things about him . His name was Tsukasa , he seems to be a rebellious little child but is actually quite independent and smart . A small group of people at school seem to know Tsukasa , and before I knew it I was a part of them . The small group was mostly the broadcasting club , including Sakura , Natsuhiko , and Mitsuba . I also started to make new friends with a girl named Yashiro and Kou . I was walking to the broadcasting room for the first time. Tsukasa had told me to come here right after class , but I got dragged away by Kou who wanted to talk to me . He took me to the rooftop , confessing that he liked me . I was a bit taken back , since I just broke up with an ex , I wasn't ready to be in another relationship . Kou is my best friend , and I didn't want to ruin that friendship . Fortunately , he was quite understanding about my feelings .

I arrived at the broadcasting room , thinking to myself that I am quite grateful for having a friend like Kou . I opened the door to the broadcasting room and found Natsuhiko tied to a chair in the corner of the room , as usual-

"Hey princess," Natsuhiko said from the corner

"Be quiet" Sakura says as she smacked his head with a book.

I smile , their relationship is cute . Sakura invited me to sit down at the table with tea ready , and I apologized for being late to the meeting . "It's alright, though Tsukasa seems to be..." Sakura says, her voice trailing off and looks away from the table . As if on cue , Tsukasa barged into the room , walking towards me . Just as I was about to apologize for being late , he interrupts me while leaning extremely close to my face .

"Where were you."

I felt my face heat up from how close he was , "I-I had to talk to a friend.." I stammered , almost as if I was scared of him . Tsukasa looked at me with dark eyes , for a second I thought his eyes were completely black . Tsukasa then backed away from me and smiled , his eyes returning to the amber color . " Well then , how about we play a game ~ ! "

Sakura almost drops her tea cup , as Tsukasa walks behind me and rests his hand on my shoulder . " Sakura , get the room ready please ~ " He said , I glanced at Sakura confused on what game he meant . Sakura nodded with hesitation and got up leaving the room . I had an uneasy feeling . My instincts told me to make up an excuse and run for it , but I couldn't . Tsukasa's hand started squeezing my shoulder harshly , I winced in pain .

" T-Tsukasa.. That hurts.. "

But his hand didn't budge nor loosen . Sakura came back , gesturing to Tsukasa the room was ready . Tsukasa leaned down next to my ear , and whispers .

" We're going to have lots of fun "

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