Chapter One

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   Hey my fantabulous readers! Welcome to a short chapter one. I apologize for the length, but writer's block will do that to ya. Enjoy!

  The Avenger's Compound common room was bustling with activity. The large TV screen displayed the daily news, and Steve was watching with interest. Clint was munching on a bag of chips in the vents while Natasha glared at him angrily. Thor was having a pop-tart eat off with an unwilling Bruce. Tony was nowhere to be found, probably holed up in his lab.

     Wanda sat apart from everyone else, munching slowly on her muffin. The world seemed too busy. Not enough people slowed down to take the time to appreciate the little things.

      It was common knowledge that if you married a super-powered being, you too would gain their powers. Many avengers had dealt with it by marrying quickly to those who wouldn't take advantage of them. Wanda was too young to do that, and she was constantly being flirted with despite her best attempts to stay hidden.

     Wanda didn't want to share her powers. Not because she was selfish, but because having powers had caused her so much grief and pain. She wouldn't wish that on anybody else. With a sad smile, she threw away the remainder of her muffin and headed for the front door. She was in a sandwich mood.

    Throwing on a small jacket as well as a blonde wig and green contacts, Wanda departed from the compound. She hopped on a nearby subway that was heading for Queens. There was a sandwich shop called Delamar's that always managed to cheer her up. Their sandwiches were to die for.

The bell jingled as she sashayed in. It was a long line, but worth it. When Wanda got to the counter, she noticed a new worker. He had long moppy brown hair and chocolate colored doe eyes that reflected the sunlight. A shy wave let Wanda know that the boy had seen her.

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