12 Days of Writing: Day 2

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Day 2

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Day 2

Genre: Fantasy

Prompt: You live in a world where you can capture and sell the memories of those around you. Some memories are worth more than others and some people are willing to risk their lives to get what they want.

What is Fantasy Fiction?

Fantasy genre stories revolve around magic or supernatural forces, rather than technology. Stories from the fantasy genre are set in fanciful, invented worlds or in a legendary, mythic past that rely on the outright invention of magic. Knights, wizards, kings, and dragons are all common in fantasy, but aren't always required. Swordplay, archery, horseback riding, and spell-casting are also staples of the fantasy genre. [Book Genre Dictionary]

Short Story Writing PromptsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin