A/n-Based on break

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Hey, I'm gonna explain what happened last night. To start off me and my family are okay, including my pets. I'm gonna give a backstory before I explain what actually happened.
  So me and my brother have a hoverboard, we have had it for about two years now. Well one time my brother had left the charger out, and my dogs chewed on it and we couldn't charge it anymore. A couple months go by to this week. In the beginning of the week my mom asked my brother what he wanted for Christmas, he said a new hoverboard charger, and she laughed and said "okay I'll get you one but it won't be for Christmas". We get the charger the next day, plug it in, doesn't work, but there were sparks when we plugged it in. We didn't think of it and just threw away that charger thinking it was broken. Well last night, we got another charger that was meant for the hoverboard. We plugged it in, it charged and we were able to ride it and that was it. Well at around 10:20pm last night, I was in my room, my dad (who has a knee injury) in his room, my mom and my brother in the kitchen. My brother says, "mom the hoverboard is making weird noises", my mom didn't seemed bothered by it at first until they heard it again. My mom had told my brother to back away from it as it continued to make these poof noises. My brother ran into my room and he explains to me that the hoverboard is making weird noises. I didn't think it was a big deal until my mom started to freak out. I stood up from my bed and paused my movie, when my dad had started to emerge from the bedroom, my mom screams it's smoking, and right before I walked out of my room and my mom was about to throw it outside. It exploded in my kitchen. I didn't know what to do, I just saw orange spew into the hallway and the kitchen and I started to scream. My dad who can't walk normal with a knee injury threw it out into my backyard then threw it out in my front yard. I was shaking I might have had a panic attack I don't even know, I was crying and I just remember grabbing my phone and blanket and running out into the kitchen to see smoke, and tiny bits of fire around. It was the most traumatic thing in my entire life. We threw all of the burnt plastic, the actual hoverboard, batteries into a huge pan of water. Then we spent from 10:40pm-2:30am cleaning the entire house from smoke. We still are cleaning now but it's better. It was a horrible thing to experience and wish none of you have to experience this EVER. If my dad hadn't threw it outside it would have blew up into the hallway and would cut off my exit out of the house. I'm glad that I'm okay and my family is okay, but my dad did burn his foot really badly. Anyways, I'm fine my house it fine, my family, my pets. We're all fine just scared is all. I don't know when I'll be back, everything is still smoky and I start school again on Monday. Have a great day or night, ilysm! ❤️

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