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I woke up at around seven hearing the blaring of my alarm going off. Colby mumbled a few word I couldn't understand. I rolled over him and turned my alarm off, immediately falling back into the bed. Colby wrapped an arm around me pulling me into his chest once again.

"I got to get up, or I'm going to be late again." I said quietly.

I rolled out of bed and stretched already freezing the second I got out. I grabbed my jacket and ran to the bathroom, staring my morning routine.

(We finna skip that part cause like yeah :p)

After I was done I went back into the bedroom and saw Colby on his phone, he still had sleep in his eyes. I changed into semi representable clothes but still comfortable. Now you are probably wondering, well Y/n why are you getting ready? Well I have online classes for college since COVID hasn't gone away, we are doing online school. It was around 7:30am and still had 3o minutes until my first class started. I flopped into bed again while Colby pulled me instantly to him.

"You smell good." Colby mumbled into my hair.

"Thank you bubs." I giggled.

He quickly placed a kiss on my forehead and then rolled on top of me. I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair, he moaned softly, obviously not in a sexual way. I smiled once more and kept massaging/running my fingers in his hair. Time pasted quickly and it was 7:55am and I hadn't turned on my computer nor did I set up my desk. I pushed Colby off immediately flying to my desk, Colby was laughing majorly as I flung things all over the room. I got into my class at exactly 8:00am. Sadly, when I go into my class it automatically turns out cameras on so everyone in my class got a full view of Colby shirtless.

"Y/n, do you mind either turning your camera off or telling your boyfriend to get out of the camera." My teacher announced.

I quickly turned my camera off and glared at Colby, sending him my middle finger in which he blew me a kiss.

"I'll leave." Colby said smiling.

"No don't go, I'm going to be alone and bored." I frowned.

Colby smiled and lifted me on his lap as my teachers began the lesson.

"I already learned this stuff, I did all of today's work last night." I said proudly.

"Of course you did my smart girlfriend." Colby said while digging his head into my neck.

A/n- did I write this because I felt bad that I haven't posted and should be asleep right now but I put my feelings before my thoughts? Yes, yes I did. Okay I'm done I'm going to bed :)

Colby Brock Imagines Book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora