Convenience Store Date Pt.1

Start from the beginning

"Um yeah I'm excited to try the quick with Hinata san."

"That's great, I'm sure that you two will do well."

" is your hand cold?" Kageyama asked.

"No it's not, why do you ask?" Y/N replied.

"Um never mind no reason,"

Y/N held out her hand, signaling Kageyama that it was okay.  He took the message immediately and held her hand, gently swinging it back and forth.

"Thanks Y/N chan," Kageyama mumbled, " um you have nice hands, they're warm too."

"Yeah thanks, um I like your hands too," Y/N replied, trying to compliment Kageyama back.

"I was wondering, do you maybe want to sit next to me on the bus ride tomorrow?  It sounds pretty dumb but I really wanted to-" Kageyama started, clarifying his words in the second part.

"Yeah of course, I was planning to sit with Yachi san," Y/N replied with a smile, looking up a Kageyama, "but I'll sit with you tomorrow."

"That's good," Kageyama replied, as he touched the nape of his neck with his other hand.

"I was wondering too, you told me that you live somewhere in my direction," Y/N pointed out, "but there aren't any neighbors that I know of that would be in the area near Karasuno."

Kageyama tried to make a quick excuse, "Um yeah there's a neighborhood near your apartment, I live there too."

"Oh okay," Y/N replied, as she let go of Kageyama's hand, "I guess we have arrived at my apartment, you can just drop me off at the building this time."

Kageyama shook his head, signaling a firm "no", and held on to Y/N's hand again, "I'll walk you up to your room again, so let's go."

Y/N felt some heat rush up to her face as Kageyama practically dragged her into the building and up the steep stairs.  The two eventually made it to Y/N's room on her floor.  Kageyama had his hands on Y/N's shoulders as she was facing him.

"Hey Y/N chan can I give you a small hug," Kageyama asked with a blush, "before I leave I mean."

"Oh yeah sure you-" Y/N started, with her face becoming a light pink hue.

Y/N felt her face pressed against Kageyama's chest, "Um good night boke!"

He gave Y/N a tight hug before walking in the wrong direction.  Y/N watched him as he corrected himself and walked the other way.  She couldn't help but give a small smile and feel wanted for once.  She quickly entered her apartment room and dropped her things down.  Y/N then collapsed on to her bed and started to give her pillow a tight hug.

"Kageyama san gave me a hug," Y/N thought to herself as she laid on her bed, "does he like me or does he not, I shouldn't be thinking about this too deeply."

Y/N continued to lay in bed thinking about a couple possibilities that could happen.  After that, she went to work and started on her homework, cooked dinner, and completed her other jobs.  She was able to organize her clothes for tomorrow and she prepared herself for bed.  Y/N eventually proceeded to go to bed and fell asleep, excited for the next day.

*Time Skip to next day please*

Y/N got ready for the practice game as soon as she woke up.  She brushed her teeth and hair and she had made herself breakfast.  Y/N quickly ate her food and got changed into her clothes for the day.  She wore a a plain white T-shirt along with high waisted jeans (I think everyone could wear these jeans comfortably, if not feel free to chose other bottom otpions).  Before leaving her house, she slipped her Karasuno jacket on and brought her purse/wallet (whatever you prefer).  Y/N left the house to get a ride to a nearby train station.

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