The Family

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Authors note: Hi, I really don't have much to say for this chapter so... yeah enjoy the story or whatever.

Inuyasha POV

I was glad to have Kagome apart of our group and that she was nothing like Kikyou, my ex girlfriend. Yeah I know, I know, but hey people make mistakes, the point is that we learn from them.

So when I reach our spot under the huge Goshinboku tree, I was really happy to see Kagome sitting underneath talking with Sango. I sat next to her and started chatting with Miroku... that is until Kikyou showed up, man she had bad timing, I was in a good mood, and she just happened to pick today to stop by and act like she owned the place.

"What do you want Kikyou? Can't you just leave us in peace?" I practically was growling.

"Aww, Inu-baby, I just wanted to meet your new... Friend... so any ways, who is she?" Kikyou said saying friend like it tasted bitter on her toung. She looked over at Kagome and gave her a once over before looking at me with an unreadable expresion.

"Yo, whore, I have a name. So what if I am Inuyasha's friend it doesn't concern you." I was suprised by Kagome's boldness and expected Kikyou to have something nasty to say but instead she gave her a idiodic scowl before she turned and walked away.

We all burst out laughing."Yo Kagome that was awsome, I have never sen anyone talk to Kikyou like that except Yash, and he even just ignores her usually." Sango stated.

Onece we had all settled down Kagome looked at all of us and asked if we wanted to hang out at her place after school. We all agreed.

"But before we need to go pick up Souta and Shippou." she said.

"Who are Souta and Shippou?" Miroku asked I looked over at Kagome expectantly, she looked reluctant to answer at first but replied none the less.

"My little brother and my... adopted son." she said nervosly.

"YOUR WHAT?" We all screamed.

She told us hoe her mom had adopted Shippou after Kagome found him in an ally way on her way home from school but he became so attached to Kagome that they legally made her his mother instead. We all let out our breath and then nodded saying it was fine with us to make a stop on the way to her house.

Kagome POV

After school we all met up at my truck, which me, Sango, and Inuyasha would ride in to pick up the boys while Miroku just rode his motor cycle which he luckly decied to ride to school today. I only had five seats after all. So we all piled in and drove to Goraishi Elementary school to pick up Souta and Shippou.(Souta is in fourth grade while Shippou is in first)

When we got there, I saw all the kids had just gotten out but I didn't see Souta or Shippou so I decided to look for them. So I parked, told Inuyasha and Sango to wait till I got back and went in search of them. I found them waiting with the principle, thinking that maybe the had gotten into some sort of trouble I walked over.

"Why hello, are you Mrs. Higurashi?" He asked with a huge smile on his face.

"No I am her daughter, is there a problem?" I really hoped that they didn't do anything to bad.

"No, I wait with all the new students so I can meet thier parents, are you here with your mother by any chance, I would love to meet their mother." Good so at least they didn't get in trouble.

"No, it's just me, I am Souta's older sister, but I am Shippou's adoptive mother so you have at least met shippou's mother. I am here to take the boys home, my mother had to work late and besides, I wanted to pick them up after their first day." I said.

He asked me to let my mother know he would love to meet her and then we headed back to the truck. "Ok, boys I am having some friends over so two of them are riding with us while the other one is riding his motor cycle over." I explained.

"Really sis, that's so cool how you already have a bunch of new friends and they want to come over. Are any of them boys ar are they all girls?" Souta asked.

I laughed,"Two boys and one girl, their names are Sango, Miroku, and Inuyasha."

Authors note: Ok so wasn't planning to make this chapter so long but hey, oh well. remember to read and reveiw... but go easy on the flames, criticism is good but I'm new at this so go easy on me ok? Thanks, love ya!

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