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A large room was suddenly lit up by a bright light. When the light died down, a group of 8 people were standing in the middle of the room. Everyone standing was very confused. Except for three old women that were dressed the same. "Where are we?" asked a young girl. "Eurydice!" a young man practically shouted.

"Orpheus?" the young girl, now known as Eurydice asked. Meanwhile, literally six feet away, Persephone and Hades were having a similar conversation. "Why are you here?" Hades asked. "I thought I sent you back up to the top." Hades said moments later. "I could ask you the same thing." Persephone said back. She just wanted to finally go back up top after the long months of winter.

Once Orpheus and Eurydice realized that someone was behind them, they went to talk to them. Orpheus then realized that it was Hermes behind them. "Mister Hermes!" Orpheus yelled. Meanwhile, The Three Fates were standing in the corner with a girl who looked to be about 12. The girl cleared her throat, turning everyone's attention to her. The Fates walked over to a couch and sat down.

"Um not to be rude, but who are you?" asked Eurydice. "So I'm going to assume you were talking to me, but my name is Elizabeth." Elizabeth said. "Anyways I know who you guys are, but not all of you know each other, so please state your names." she said. "I'm Eurydice," Eurydice said.

"I'm Orpheus," said Orpheus. Next was Persephone, then Hades, and then Hermes. The Fates were the last ones to go. Once everyone was done, Elizabeth stood up to speak. "Okay so I have brought you here to watch a musical!"

"What is a musical?" asked Persephone. "Oh that's right, you don't know what a musical is." Elizabeth said. "Well anyways, a musical is basically a play with songs and dancing." she said. "Well what is the musical about?" asked Hermes. "So the musical is called Hadestown and it's about the love story between Orpheus and Eurydice, and Hades and Persephone."

"Wait, it's about us?!" both of the pairs mentioned yelled in surprise. Though Hades and Persephone were less surprised they were just a little bit shocked. "So everyone go sit on the seats and let's start the musical!" Elizabeth said rather excitedly.

387 words

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