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And the story is done! I wanna say thank you to everyone who has supported this book and me. I don't know if I ever would have finished this book with the support that you all have given me. Also, thank you all for 1.6k reads!

"So, how did you like it?" Elizabeth asked. 

"It was good, I think my favorite song was All I've Ever Known." Orpheus said. 

"I liked it, my favorite song was If It's True." Hermes said. 

The Fates nodded that, yes they liked it.

"It was really good, my favorite song was probably Flowers." Persephone said. 

"I thought that it wasn't horrible," Hades said, "And my favorite song probably was We Raise our Cups." 

"I really like it, my favorite song was Any Way The Wind Blows." Eurydice said. 

"That's good, well, I have to send you all back, so goodbye." Once everyone had said their goodbyes, Elizabeth snapped her fingers together, and in a flash of light she was the only one standing there. 

Now, who's to say if the story changed, or if they fixed things, that's something that only fate can ever know.

144 words

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