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Everything you do seems so planned out, every step, every glance you spare in my direction. I see the way your smile falls as soon as you walk away from someone, I see the boredom you feel for life show all over your pale face, do you crave more in this life? Is the life you live not enough for you? Your perfect family, the money, the respect and honor your family name holds. Tho you're not like them, they say, you're different you're kind. You can cut the act Breyer, I don't buy it.

The fact you stayed hidden from me alone, shows you're hiding something. For I am the most sod after boy in this school, yet even after meeting, you could careless than to try and get to know me.

I see right through you, I indent to find out that of which I don't know. It pains me Breyer that you stayed away for so long, you kept out of my reach, it had to have been on purpose for I would have noticed you. You see Breyer, you hold so much power and respect without ever opening your mouth, you hold your last name, which is purely enough for me to want you. You're my way in, wether you like it or not, my knights of powerful, but you.. you are everything they are not.

You sit here with me night after night, reading a book that could never hold my interest, never saying a word. You come in, you sit, you read, and you get up and walk out without ever saying a word to me. What game are you playing? It is a good one I will give that much to you, you've grabbed my attention, my hunger to want to know every single thought what runs through that pretty little head of yours.

I see the way you look down at people, you feel as if you're better than them. You have every right. You do it in a way the normal person wouldn't give a second thought too, you take what you want and you smile at those you took it from. You're so carful with what you do, you are playing this game of life smart, almost as smart as I do. So that begs me to ask the question, do you crave what I do Breyer? The power, the hunger for people to fear even your name spoken? I think you do.

I see your eyes frozen on the page of your book,

what are you thinking about?

Just something I've found in this book

may I ask what you've found

           You look hesitant, almost as if you shouldn't have found such information.

would you fight death if given the chance?

I almost find myself shocked at your words Breyer. I can't put it past you tho, from what Malfoy has told me at least, you charge forward in the face of danger. You stand up and challenge authority in such a way it almost seems effortlessly perfect, you make it seem like your idea was theirs, you take what you want. You hold yourself carefully, you dance around peoples minds and manipulate them without them ever noticing. You are truly the master manipulator, so why wouldn't you run from the one thing you'll never understand. Death is unknown, and you crave knowledge of everything, you would be the person to fight death with everything inside of you until you couldn't anymore. Breyer I hope you know we are one in the same.

I would go to almost any length to prevent my death


excuse me?

would you kill to extend your own life?

           you didn't even give it a moments thought.

I would

I think I'm starting to figure you out Breyer, I can almost taste how sweet your downfall will be. I wonder if you know it'll be by my own hands. Do you know how much I crave seeing you powerless? If you do, why must you make me feel we could burn this whole damned world to the ground together?

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