The Student Council

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There was a student in Class 2-B known all over the school.  She was hard to miss, her rough appearance and downright red hot temper making her stand out from the rest of the student population. 

Oh.  She also had purple skin and could breath fire. 

Shyvana Halfdragon was an unusual student.  For one, she had all the qualifications to be a top student at Durandal Academy.  She was athletic, she was sharp, she was tough, and, as mentioned earlier, she COULD BREATHE FIRE.  However, for some unexplained reason, she decided to go to DNS, ignoring her gigantic potential in becoming a big deal hero.

The way she presented herself was unusual as well.  For one, she talked casually to everyone.  Literally.  She didn't care if you were the president, a doctor in education, the principal, or a cop.  She was gonna say whatever came to her mind. 

"You know, I'd really appreciate it if you don't eat while we're doing something important," said Professor Ashe.  Shyvana responded by taking another bite of her bread. 

"You're fault for calling me in the middle of lunch," she replied.  The teacher let out a breath through her nose. 

"You're so lucky I have a sense of humor.  Anyone else and you'd have been suspended months ago." 

The half-dragon shrugged.

"Anyway, I want you and the rest of the student council to have a meeting as soon as possible to discuss what to do for next week's festival.  Clear?" 

Shyvana nodded, swallowing afterwards to be able to speak clearly.  "Shouldn't you be there too?  After all, we need a responsible adult to watch over us less we end up setting the entire school in flames." 

This made Ashe cross her legs and think for a bit. 

"I'll be seeing you all later then." 

The younger of the two frowned.  "Then why the hell did you need me here in the first place?" 

"My bad, my bad.  You can go now.  You have twenty more minutes before classes continue." 


While on the trip back to the cafeteria, Shyvana, for a split second, regretted ever running for VP.  The position came with so much work and responsibilities with little upside.  

"Stupid past Shyvana," she mumbled as she finished her bread. "Why was I so gung ho of winning in the first place?" 

"Shyv!" a sudden voice called.  Shyvana let out a grumble before angrily turning her head to the direction of the voice.  

"What?" she said in an irritated tone, a tone that disappeared when she saw who the caller was.

Her heart skipped a beat, and when the student who called her walked towards her, her heartbeat quickened

"Saw you leaving the faculty room.  Professor Ashe said something?" asked Jarvan.  Shyvana couldn't answer.  

Now she remembered. 

She ran for vice president not because she wanted to make the school a better place.  She ran for vice president because of a guy

"Shyv?"  Jarvan called, effectively bringing the half dragon out of her trance.  

"Uhh...y-yeah," stammered Shyvana as she began to walk again.  "Just some bullshit about the festival is all."

Jarvan jogged a bit to catch up to her. "Really?  What'd she say?"

"That we need to have a meeting.  Later.  After class."

"Have you informed the others?"

"Not yet.  Hold on," said the girl as she brought her phone out.  "Meeting...later..." she said as she read her text.  "Done." 

Jarvan smiled, something that was enough to make the half dragon freeze up.

"Thanks Shyv.  You're the best.  Catch you later!"  

And just like that, Jarvan was gone, disappearing into a corner a few seconds after his farewell.   

Shyvana, on the other hand, was left petrified for solid minute or two. 

"Heh," she chuckled, deciding to continue with her trip to the cafeteria.  To say that her mood had improved would be an understatement.  

After a few seconds, she let out another dumb chuckle before repeating what Jarvan had said.

"I'm the best."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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