Karma and the Kendo club captain

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Irelia simply didn't get it.

"Can you believe - I mean, the sheer audacity!" she cried to her friend. 

She cared little for the fact that several heads had already turned to their direction.  What she did care about were the rumors. 

Seriously.  Who would have paired her - the most Ionian person on the planet - with Darius - the biggest Noxian on the planet?" 

Not only that, Darius was already dating somebody!

"I get what you mean," replied Karma in her usual calm voice.  THis only serve to make Irelia's blood boil even more. 

"It doesn't make sense, Kar!  I've been busting my ass off to be an honor student and this is what I get in return?!  Getting pinned with the biggest delinquent in school?!" 

Karma could only sip at her drink, opting to let her fiery friend finish her ramblings to sooth both of their beings.

The blue haired girl continued.  "I mean, its not like we have anything in common either!" 

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

Irelia pinched the bridge of her nose, clicking her tongue before letting out a tired sigh. 

"He plays basketball, I do books and part-time jobs.  He's an idiot, I'm get straight As.  We're complete-" 

"Opposites, yes.  But you know - " 

"Bull. Shit.  People are naturally attracted to people with similar tastes.  Besides, that suff only happens in those cheesy novels that you like to read." 

Karma hummed.  That was fair.  

"You have a point  But with that being said..." she trailed, and Irelia immediately caught wind of
what she was going to ask.


"I wasn't-" 

"Ah ah ah, let's spice it up a notch shall we?"  Irelia beamed uncharacteristically.  

Karma herself tilted her head.  Her friend had always exuded this aura of fiery coolness, like burning ice or a spicy milkshake.  She very rarely smiled like this, oozing with every ounce of mischief one could muster.

Irelia smirked.  "What qualities does Karma like in a suitor, hm?"

The tan woman's eyes widened ever so slightly before she brought her gaze down to the table. 


"He should be nice." 

Irelia's eyebrows raised.  She didn't expect the girl to actually respond!  She leaned in to signal her friend to continue. 

"He should be well-mannered, a gentleman.  He doesn't need to be at the top of the rankings, just enough to be a respectable student.  And -" 


A throat suddenly being cleared made both girls tense up in their seats. 

"Irelia." called a cool voice, a masculine voice familiar to both of them.  Irelia turned her sights to the side of their table.  

"Shen!  Can I help you?" 

"It's about the Kendo Club.  A member told me you needed me, yes?" 

Irelia shot up.  "Ah!  Yeah yeah uhh...you wanted a budget raise, correct?"  The boy nodded.

"The Kendo club has been in need of more funds as a lot of our equipment ranging from mats, armor, and..."

The captain went on and on, and Irelia, being the good student council treasurer that she was, listened - what the hell was that noise?  

The girl narrowed her eyes.  It was quite the ruckus in the cafeteria, and it was no surprise that navigating or finding a specific sound amid the sea of chatter was a difficult task. 

Slurp.  Aha!  To her left...?  Okay no.

Sluuuuuuuuurp.  Behind he - 





Irelia slowly craned her head towards her female friend, as did Shen and the majority of the cafeteria - and much to her second hand embarrassment, Karma kept sipping.  

And sipping.
And sipping. 

Until she finally, thank the gods, stopped.  She slowly took the straw off her lips by pulling the cup away, smiling dumbly before swallowing whatever it was she was drinking. 

What followed was an awkward silence that mercifully met its end when Karma excused herself, got out of her seat, and disappeared into the hallway. 

Irelia blinked.  Shen blinked.  Everybody blinked.  

What the fuck just happened?

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