Chapter 4: New captor?

Start from the beginning

''Kill it! Kill that fucking bitch!'' The one I had managed to harm badly screamed even as some of them tried to drag him off.

He was practically foaming at the mouth thanks to the amount of rage he was in.

''We can kill it come morning. Lets use it for it's purpose and end it in the morning.'' The one currently slowly digging his claws very painfully into me snarled out to the one I wounded even as I struggled to get free.

My eyes widened in horror as I felt something warm, Hard, And slightly throbbing, Press into my belly before I was roughly flipped over.

I struggled against my captors, My voice no longer speaking any slight form of words, Instead I let out yowls and other cat like scream sounds.

The captors ignored me and my animalistic cries for help as the one pinning me lined up with my entrance, My cloths long gone by now.

!WARNING: Rape scene starts here soo. . . Ya might wanna skip!

My cries were silenced however as my mouth was forced open wider, A hand roughly gripping my face kept me from closing my mouth as something warm, Thick, Twitching and slightly salty was forced into my mouth.

I found myself choking on him as he pounded into my mouth, Blocking off my air as my throat became sore rapidly, My lungs burning at the sudden lack of air.

The pain in my throat was forgotten mostly however as there was a sudden burning pain in my rear as the one holding me down forced himself inside me.

I could feel my entrance ripping painfully as he kept shoving deeper into me, Making white swim in front of my eyes as both of them started to pound into me, Making the pain swell to the point that I no longer felt it, My brain shutting down.

My vision flickered once more before everything went black.

--- ? Time skip? ? ---

(It's over now)

I woke up, Sore with salty tasting liquid dripping from my mouth and my rear.

Clearly from not only the bruises and scratches but also from the passed out normals, Those two weren't the only ones to fuck me last night.

Looking around, My head and body throbbed with pain as I spotted the Frogs. . .

Some of them had their throats ripped out during the night, Their blood and our captors cum mixing in a revolting pool around them.

I choked quietly in horror, Finishing spitting out the semen in my mouth.

My eyes glanced down as the pain in my ass continued.

Sure enough, A pool of my own blood was mixing with semen right below me.

I felt a horrified choked gag escape me.

Now that they've done this. . . Their gonna kill those of us still alive. . .

As that cold truth settled in my stomach I concentrated on that instead of what had just happened to me.

Well. . .

I slowly got to my paws, My body swaying and stumbling slightly as I got up.

Our captors had forgotten to tie me up unlike the others.

If we're all gonna die anyways.

I stumbled over to the one closest to me, My sore and tired body shifting into my first form again.

I'm not going to let these bastards make it back to their homes.

With that cold hateful thought in my mind, I sunk my beak into the first man's neck.

He didn't make a sound as I tore his useless windpipe out of his neck.

I could taste the coppery taste of blood mixing with the salty taste of their semen as I hurriedly made my way from sleeping man to sleeping man.

Eventually, My white feathers were soaked with blood as I stood panting and in pain as I examined my handy work.

Not one of the fainted normals were left alive, At least not the ones in this tent.

Not wanting to have any time to think about what happened to me, I hurried over to the Frogs, Checking them to see if they were alive.

--- Time skip ---


One Frog was still alive.

I felt a pang of pain in my heart even as my sore body attempted to give up.

I'm so sorry I can give you all a proper burial. . .

Sighing, I made sure to gently close the dead Frog's eyes, Seeing as that was the least I could do for them.

Once that was done I turned back to the single living one.

Grabbing me, I struggled to haul him outside.

It was lovely.

Outside I mean.

The sun was barely shining through the morning fog, Just barely glinting off of the dew covering the grass.

If we were here under any other reason I'm sure I'd love this.

Instead, All I felt cold hatred.

How could everything be so peaceful and pretty after what just happened? Why isn't it dreadful and as terrible as I felt?

 Wincing, I continued to drag the fainted Frog further away, Doing my best to ignore the feeling of scabs ripping away from down below.

Eventually, My sore limbs gave out from under me.

Despite how much stronger my first form was compared to my others, With the pain I was in and the weight of the Frog, I couldn't keep up for long.

Wincing, I slowly got back to my paws, Pausing a moment to check on the Frog.

That's when I heard the sound of hoof beats approaching us from a short ways away.

Too close. . . I can't run away in time. . . Not with the Frog at least.

I wasn't about to let another member of my tribe die.

Moving to stand protectively over the much larger Homigriff, My feathers and fur stood on end as I watched horseback riders approaching.

Hissing, I glared up at the 'leader' of this little group as he slowed his horse down until it was stopped in front of me.

The man on the horse had greyish black hair, His eyes bright golden yellow.

A sword was resting lightly in his hand.

He clearly didn't view me as a threat as he looked me up and down, An interested look in his eyes.

He reached out for me only to pull his hand back quickly as I bit at him, Hissing as my heart raced.

I was scared and the much larger man looking down at me didn't help any.

''You two, Tie the aggressive one up, Take the fainted one back to camp.'' The 'leader' ordered, His voice low and velvety, A slight rumble like note at the end of his sentences.

I struggled to get away as ropes were tossed over my neck, Choking me and bringing me down as the two normals dismounted their horses, Approaching me.

The 'Leader' watched on until I was tied up.

He turned back to the other horse riders.

''The rest of you, Lets keep going, We must be close to where they set up camp'' He ordered as the two who were tying me up dragged me over to a nearby tree, Their movement surprisingly gentle.

Damnit. Just fucking kill me. Stop drawing it out like some fucking cruel game. . .

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So. . . I hate doing these types of chapters so hopefully this'll be the last one with rape, Any guesses if the new 'captor' is a good guy or a bad one?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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