Chapter 1: Strange World

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Waking up I thought to myself where the heck am I. I surveyed my surroundings to my surprise it was unfamiliar. I immediately began panicking what the heck I thought to myself I went on for thirty seconds and calmed myself. "Breathe Jane, your fine" I grunted as I picked myself up and surveyed my surroundings again this time I took in its beauty. It's warm but every few minutes I feel a cool breeze, setting my sights into the distance I see a field filled with grasses and flowers that I've never seen before, red, pink, blue they came in different colors and sizes. Beyond the field I could barely spot the lush but giant forest. The closet tree in my vision was taller than an average tree by wild margins. Now what I think, I can't stay here. With nothing else to do I head north moving was better than staying in the same place plus I need to look for a sign that other forms of life other than trees existed. As I walked the field began to elevate and I now stood at the edge of a cliff. Boom!!!! My eyes widened and my jaw dropped in the distance. I saw an immediate challenge to my survival. I watched as two colossal monsters clashed. Monster A was a ferocious beast with rock like formations sticking out of its back; it sported a huge mouth, undersized arms and a gigantic well-built pair of legs. It's hide had a green tinge to it and its mouth was filled with massive dagger-like fangs that took up most of the space in its mouth, its jaw was covered in spikes, its eyes were bloodshot red contemplating it's look. Monster B was more subtle it's body was covered in metallic scales that reflected light unlike monster A it stood on all fours and sported a slim but long tail which I assumed was meant for balance, it had a sleek design to it that enabled it to attack swiftly and escape unscathed. But it's design was doing it no good Monster A was able to keep up with it's speed, despite its heavy body Monster A was still able to land blows on Monster B. Monster A was a savage untamed and unrivaled by Monster B it was incredibly aggressive ramming it's head into monster B over and over, Monster B fell wasting no time Monster A brought its massive leg down on Monster B collapsing it's lungs and crushing it's skull. Monster B clawed at Monster A able to set itself loose it tried to escape but it's tail did it no good as Monster A stomped on it cutting any chance of fleeing, The momentum worked against Monster B the sudden stop had caused it to ricochet backwards giving Monster A a chance to bring its massive jaw over Monster B's head, Monster B struggled but the deed had already been done as Monster A applied pressure decapitating Monster B, it stood towering over Monster B and giving a ferocious roar that brought fear to the soul. I stared in shock, fear, I even peed myself a little as tears flowed down my face, "How am I supposed to survive like this." my mind raced, what do I do? I need to survive. I love my life too much to let myself die; it won't end like this no it won't. "Think Jane." Monster A decimated Monster B I'll take a wild guess and call it the apex predator in this area. I'll name it Devil Gore because it reminded me of Deviljho. It was a weird name, but I needed something to help me forget the traumatizing scene I just witnessed. I must secure food and shelter but first I must find some proof of human life I thought to myself as I made my way down the cliff. I put an emphasis on the word must cause I absolutely needed to survive and finding those things would guarantee my survival. A few hours went by and I found nothing. Absolutely nothing. My search had taken me inside the forest. The forest was spacious and dense at the same time, light was able to seep in due to the space between the trees. The trees were huge, easily towering over Devil Gore; they had a sort of hue to them. Sadly monsters were everywhere as I ducked under a leaf hiding myself from a pack of monsters, they munched on leaves but looked like they could tear your insides and drink your blood not because they like it but just because they wanted to. Gulp I swallowed my saliva as I let myself get carried away, I shook my head and focused myself. Since I was unsuccessful in finding human life, I now needed to focus my attention on finding food and shelter. I start to fatigue as I make my way deeper into the forest. I sluggishly dragged my body further inside the forest, "Food. Steak, pork chops and rice, I murmured to myself my mouth salivating. Then after that I'll have some nice chilled cola. I must have been so drunk on the idea of eating that I tripped over a rock. Bam, I hit the ground face first. My mind raced and with frustration I was going to curse the damned world, but I stopped for a second realizing that this place had giant monsters that towered over skyscrapers. I looked around. What's this I thought to myself. I turned around, looked up and down left and right and realized that I was encircled by it, not just me. The whole area was covered in it. It was a round thing that had a greenish tinge to it and had a whitish highlight just off to the center of its glowing body. I studied it for a second and associated it with pollen, but it was bigger and all glowy. Oh come on Jane you could do better than that, all glowy what am I a preschooler. I spotted a monster in the distance. It was covered in the pollen like thing and was walking sluggishly. It seemed to be in some trance like my situation just a few seconds ago. I witnessed as the creature's march came to a halt, suddenly it laid down. I watched as the tree in front of the creature began to morph into a monster of its own; it closed the distance between it and the entranced monster and began to rip chunks of its flesh off, swallowing it. I bolted not wanting to get involved. I ran with everything I had. For how long would I continue running, is this how I'll survive in this forsaken place. I heard the roar of the monster. Its trance like state had probably worn off only for it to realize it was being eaten alive. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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