65 | the one with an unexpected reunion

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The One With An Unexpected Reunion

"She used to believe that love should feel like a storm—passionate, raw and raging. But so many storms have come and left her more broken than before. Now, she looks for a love that feels like a night after the storm is over."
Cynthia Go

okay, so this will be a chapter y'all will be excited for, so I expect comments! 😤

fr, though, pls spam me with some 🥺 it's a fairly long chapter and lots happens so it'll be nice to know your thoughts 🥰

go back and read that chapter title again and give me your guess as to what is being unexpectedly reunited... am I playing y'all or is it about it be real lit???

enjoy! 💙


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Music hums lowly in the space and I glance around at the people surrounding me. People I don't know. People of such financial status that I'll never run in their social circle in this lifetime or the next.

I'm not even entirely fucking sure what this event is. All I can tell you is that there's a shit ton of people, they're loaded with money, and there isn't a person in here that I haven't found to not be snooty.

Other than us—the rest of my peers who can't afford the bottle of champagne they're passing around in tall stemmed glasses.

I didn't even get to properly meet his co-workers. We'd decided to not do introductions tonight, we'd only just privately decided to label one another boyfriend or girlfriend. I suggested we wait so that his co-workers didn't jump to conclusions about his love life, considering it wasn't that long ago when he was with Natalie.

I have to admit, though, the dinner was incredible. Some fancy ass French dinner that I couldn't pronounce even if I wanted to. The drinks have also been flowing, but I've only been sipping my delicious champagne, for fear that if I have too much to drink, I'll make an ass of myself and embarrass James.

I glance down at my dress, making sure I still look the part. I don't know a single soul in here besides James—and he's been fairly busy on and off all night—so the only thing I can do is glance around at conversations and fix my dress.

The dress I spent a pretty penny on. It's form-fitting, floor length and a red satiny material. There's a deep v in the front and thin straps over my shoulders. The back is also a little risqué for this crowd—it's scooped low, so much so that it rests just above my ass—and I've received many looks because of it.

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