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Annabeth had been getting on my nerves. Every little thing I would do wrong she would just get mad at me, yell, scream, and hit me and I just couldn't take it anymore. I didn't want to go back to Camp Half-Blood, and my mom and Paul were already working hard to provide for Estelle.

There wasn't much I could do. I sighed, and went to go lay back down. Annabeth was still sleeping, and that was the only time I could ever get some peace.

Shaking my head, I went to go lay down beside her, contemplating what I should do. Thinking of nothing, I drifted off into a sleep and had a vision that would change my life.


I was floating, looking at myself walking through the Underworld.
"Okay..." I thought to myself, "Pretty sure I'm not dead. Weird."
As I looked at myself walk deeper and deeper in the heart of the Land of the Dead, I willed my ghostly form to float forward.

I saw myself walk to the edge of the pit of Tartarus and Jump in.
"Holy Hades! Why did I do that?" I screamed, but before I knew what was happening my ghostly form got pulled down with my vision self.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no! What the Hades is Happening!" I screamed, when a female voice came out of nowhere.

"Relax, young one. This is not a punishment, this is a reward."

Still falling, I frantically looked around everywhere but couldn't see anyone near me.

"Who are you? Where are you? Why am I falling into Tartarus again?"

"You have outlived your purpose on your world, in this reality. But in another, there is still a purpose for you. You know that there is nothing left for you here. I will show you a world where you will be needed, loved, and you will have a purpose again. Come, I will guide you where you need to go. A world free of gods and monsters, where you will have a new family, a new brotherhood. What do you say, young Percy? Take a leap of faith. the entrance of the Underworld, I will guide you from there."

"You're asking me to trust you, and for me to jump into Tartarus? Are you out of your mind?!"

"You will face no opposition, you will land where you need to land. No monster or creature of darkness will hinder you, I swear on the River Styx."

Will this complicated things. As I listened to the voice, I couldn't detect any hints of evil or malice radiating from it. In fact, all I felt, was pity, and you could her the kindness in her voice.

"What will happen to my family and friends here?" I asked nervously.

"Your family will be safe from harm, and nothing significant will change in your friends lives. I swear on the Styx."

Her offer tempting, and before I knew what I was saying, I responded. "Deal. I'll be here tomorrow."

"Good, little one. Pack light, this journey will not be a long one." The voice started to fade away but I still had one more question.

"Wait! Who are you?"

"We will speak again soon, young hero." And with that last whisper, she faded out until I couldn't hear her anymore.

Realizing I was still, in fact falling, I screamed.

I bolted up right, covered in sweat and panting. I looked around and realized Annabeth was nowhere to be seen. I shook my head.
She always does this. Wakes up early without me and leaves, either going to her classes or somewhere else, where I have no idea.

Willing myself dry, I got some paper and some ink and write a note.

'Annabeth. Not sure what's happened to us, but I can't take it anymore. You never listen to me, and no matter what happens I'm the bad guy. I'm leaving, forever. You will not find me, even I don't really know where I'll go. Tell my mother and Estelle I will always love them, and tell Chiron he was like a father to me, and will miss them. I have no idea where I went wrong, but I just can't do it anymore. I'm sorry, Wise Girl, I hope you find happiness one day.'

I left the note on the table, packed a bag and grabbed some Drachmas, and went to my car.

'LA is 318 miles away, this should be fun.' I sarcastically thought to myself before getting in my car and starting this 6 hour drive.


6 hours and 32 minutes and one gas and food stop later, I was standing in front of DOA Recording Studios.

"I'm a psychopath. What the Hades am I doing?" I thought to myself before shaking my head, and walking through the doors.

Everyone in the lobby was dead, but you could only really see them out of the corner of your eye. Taking a bag of Drachmas out of my pack, I walked up the the pale man in the expensive Italian suit at the front desk.

"Charon! Long time no see. How that raise coming along old friend?"

Charon looked up from the book he was reading and grinned.

"Percy Jackson. You die in another tub?"

I laughed and shook my head. "Not yet, Charon, not yet. I'm here on business.". I pulled out a handful of Drachmas and could practically see Charon drooling.

"I just need a ride across the Styx, Charon, and it's all yours."

"A ride? I can do that." He looked out across the lobby towards all the dead and yelled, "Alright! I'll be back. If anyone so much as even touches anything, another thousand years in this lobby!"

He turned from the table and walked over towards the elevator, opening it and motioning for me to enter. 'Gods, I hate elevators,' I thought to myself while boarding.

It also didn't help this was an elevator that I would never get used too. After a few minutes of going down, we started going forward, the elevator turned into a longboat, and Charon's suit turned into black robes as his flesh melted off his bones.

No one said anything as we crossed the Styx. As we got to the other side, I got out and Charon laughed. "You're a mystery, Jackson. I like that." And he turned around and started the journey back across the river.

Sighing, I turned and looked at the lines of the dead, realizing how long it was going to take. "Here goes nothing," I said to myself and started walking.

The three judges paid me no mind and Cerberus seemed like he wanted to play. I smiled and told him Mrs. O'Leary should be down soon and walked towards my destination.

"Perseus." A whipped around to see a very beautiful pale woman, with bright blue eyes, brown hair and a dress as dark as night.

"Who are you?" I asked the woman as we kept walking. She didn't seem dangerous, in fact she seemed like someone who was kind and understanding.

"My name is not important. I have been watching you, and I know of the trials and hardships you have endured. I am here to reward you with a new life, one free of the mythological world."

"That's a hard offer to refuse. What exactly do I need to do?"

"We must go through the House of Night, to the Void. There, we will part ways and you will find yourself in a monster free world."

By this time we had reached the edge of Tartarus.

"Have I ever said I hate this place?" She laughed, and took my hand. "Trust me. This time will be different." And we jumped. And I screamed. A lot.

I had my eyes closed shut for about 30 seconds when I realized I heard laughing from right next to me. I opened my eyes and realized we were in the ground, in front of the House of Night.

I cleared my throat. "Uh, that was fast."

The mystery woman laughed some more and shook her head. "Come on, let's go. Oh, close your eyes for this part." I nodded and did what she said as she grabbed my hand and led me through the Dark House.

After what felt like ages, we stopped. "Percy. Open your eyes."

I opened them, and looked down at the abyss below me. "The Void," I whispered.

"Yeah, well. It's not for everyone. We have one more jump."

Without warning, she trapped my hand and jumped into the Void. I felt like I was about to pass out.

"Percy, when you wake up, you will be in a new world. Make a name for yourself, but be careful. There may not be gods and monsters, but humans can be more monstrous than the most dangerous monsters. Remember that."
And I passed out.

When I woke up, I looked around. I was definitely in a new world.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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Percy Jackson Assassin's Creed crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now