The Queen's Court

Start from the beginning

"Yes, do you even remember my name or even my butler?" The bluenette questions. I stare at him for a moment and shrug, "no." He smirks and walks towards me, taking my hand he kisses it softly. "I am the Earl, Ciel Phantomhive." I pull my hand away reluctantly. For some reason, I hadn't wanted to pull away....

Very strange indeed.

I get ready to kick him away from me but not only do I hesitate, he is one step ahead of me and kicks me in my stomach. I fly into the throne and grimace, 'for a scrawny boy....he sure is strong.' Standing up, I don't give him a chance to attack again and aim my fist at his chest.

My hand is caught and I look up into the eyes of the demon that captured me before and scowl, "release me!" I shout and struggle, all of a sudden a dagger is aimed at my stomach. I dodge by bending my back unnaturally and flipping onto the demon's shoulders.

"A pitiful excuse of a weapon like that wo-." I stop when I see what the boy is holding, a dagger. Not just any dagger but my dagger. "How'd you get that?" I hiss as his butler grabs my other arm, restraining me. Ciel wanders closer and I feel my blood race, that dagger could kill me! "Remember that short visit you had at my manor, I had managed to swipe it when you kicked me." He smirks and I gasp.

When that boy tried to slip his hand under my dress, he was stealing from me! "How dare you?!" I growl and my nails grow, my eyes narrowing into slits as I struggle in the demon's arms. I'm dropped and when I look back, my mother is fighting with both demon and angel.

I growl and lunge at the boy, knowing he was defenseless at the moment. To my surprise he dodges and scratches my arm with the dagger. I hiss in pain and growl, a colorful glow emitting from the small cut. I lunge at the boy again, hating the smug smirk on his face and tackle him to the floor.

"You irritating human!" I growl and grab his neck with my nails piercing his skin, holding his hand with the dagger and pinning his legs with my own. "Do you think I care what you say about me?" His tone his cold and dark, startling me. A large force crashes into my side, effectively knocking me off of the boy.

Regaining my footing, I look to see the butler helping the bleeding boy up. "Tsk, Bocchan I had though you said she wouldn't hurt you?" The butler's tone is teasing and the boy glares at the butler. "Shut up, its a small scratch. I can handle her myself!" He snaps at the much taller male and I growl, tackling the boy once more.

"Oh really young master?" The male chuckles and turns back to the demonic angel, "ah so you're still conscious Miss? Well, while my young master handles your daughter. I shall actually handle you properly."


Said demon smirks and chuckles, " lord."



Sebastian- I presume the readers will forgive you Mistress.

*internal fangirling* I hope so Sebby, why'd you call me Mistress?

Ciel- *randomly appears and pulls me close* because you're mine of course.

•\\\\• Meep.....

Alois- *randomly appears as well and yanks me from Ciel* As if Phantomass. *grabs my chin and hovers over my lips* Don't you prefer me Milady?

*nosebleed* I-I-

Ciel- *pulls me away* As if you hindrance!

They're fighting.....over me!!!! *faints*

Claude- It seems the Lady has passed out.

*wakes* SHUT IT YOU FAKE KYOUYA!! *smushes him with shoe and sighs happily* whew, what a relief.

Alois- CLAUDE!!! ;_;

Ciel- Haha, pests are always killed in the end.


Ja ne~ and gomen my Delirious Little Nutellas!


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