Jimin: "You are not!"

Y/N: "Stop looking through me."

Jimin: "So I'm right?"

Y/N: "I've been tortured all my life. I've been made into something I never wanted to be. So believe me that I know exactly when I'm fine and when I'm not."

He leaned forward and rested his chin on his hands.

Jimin: "I thought so. And that's exactly why you don't know when you're doing well and when you're not. Because you used to be told how you should feel. I know that you won't believe me now but I know how it feels, because I too was made into something I never really wanted to be."

Y/N: "You have no idea what they did to me. You don't know what pain is."

Jimin got up and unbuttoned his shirt. He turned his back to me and let his shirt slide down his back. His skin on his back was covered with scars. I was surprised. I slowly got up and went to him. As if by itself, I reached out and touched the thin lines on his back. The injuries must have been deep and covered almost his entire back.

Y/N: "How?"

Jimin looked over his shoulder at me.

Jimin: "Stick blows, glowing irons ..."

I could see no benefit from these injuries.

Y/N: "Why did they do that?"

Jimin: "To make me obedient. To punish me if I did something wrong. It was my father who did it."

Y/N: "All fathers seem the same."

In the laboratory we were told that parents loved their children. Apparently the people in the laboratory had lied to us again. My body would probably have a similar number of scars if not more. But my skin never scarred. Every injury healed as if it had never been there.

Jimin: "What do you mean that all fathers are the same? Did your father do that to you too?"

Y/N: "I don't have a father."

He turned to me. I didn't mind that his torso was still bare. I had no feelings of shame as we were often examined completely naked in the laboratory. He also had various scars on his chest. Without thinking much about it, I traced one of the scars on his stomach with my finger. Laughing, he pulled his stomach in and backed away a little.

Jimin: "That tickles!"

I looked at him blankly.

Y/N: "Tickles?"

With a smile he looked at me incredulously.

Jimin: "Aren't you ticklish?"

I knew what it was to be ticklish but I had never thought about being ticklish.

Y/N: "I don't know if I'm ticklish."

Jimin reached out his hands and put them on my waist. He gently curled his fingers. A strange feeling shot through my body and made me flinch. Without wanting it, I had to laugh.

Y/N: "What was that? Stop it!"

Jimin: "Oh, someone's fucking ticklish!"

He didn't let go of my waist and continued tickling me. My body reacted on its own. I grabbed his hands and twisted them. With a jerk I pushed him away from me, so that he landed hard on the floor. It took a while until I realized that my reaction was a little too violent.

Jimin: "Hell, you're really strong ... and fast."

He struggled to his feet.

Jimin: "What else can you do?"

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