Chapter 11

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Charlie Weasley had been asleep in Romania when he heard the odd voice in his head, the deep tones and harsh nature of the voice shocked him out of his sleep as he sat up rubbing his eyes. "I forgot Bill had many other brothers" the voice said as Charlie's eyes widened. "Don't look so shocked young Charlie. You must remember me it's Cain." And so Cain explained to the second oldest why it was that he ended up with his the end of the explanation Charlie was too angry for words, he didn't pay heed to the searing pain and heat as the pitch black wings sprouted from his back and the new tattoos that signified his acceptance of becoming a fallen angel. "So it seems I would need to meet my mate right?" Charlie asked him curiously, Cain nodded in his head, "Although I would think Lilith is going to kill me and Helena has quite the temper on her, we are going to have quite a hard time to get them back." Charlie started packing his bags, he needed to get to Hoagwarts and fast.

On the other side of the world, Helena was getting ready for her classes, she didn't bother with putting up the glamor that hid her extra appendages, nor the ones that disguised her tattoos and her eyes. She walked out to the Great Hall, her mood foul as she made her way to the Slytherin table, sitting next to her newfound ally, Draco Malfoy.

The previous night

Helena didn't put up her glamor as she knocked on the door to Malfoy Manor, to her surprise, The Dark Lord himself threw open the door, his snakey outward  appearence didn't bother her as she blinked at him with a straight face.  "Miss Potter, punctual I see." He hissed at the young woman, she looked at her watch and tsked, "Actually I am 57 seconds late so I apologize my lord, may we continue to the meeting?" If voldemort was shocked he didn't show it, he continued on to the hall with Helena at his side, the throne he sat on was in the middle of the room, his cold,dead eyes surveyed her as she used her wings to seat herself on the ground. "I see you have something...of importance to tell me." Helena looked the Dark Lord in the eye seriously, her purple eyes shining malevolently. "It would seem....that the prophecy about us defeating each other is faked." Voldemort looked at her with squinted eyes, "What do you mean faked?" He asked, his voice rising a couple octaves indicating his annoyance and anger at the situation. So Helena had started explaining her situation and how she had found out about the prophecy and by the end of it Voldemort felt remorse for the first time in his existence, he had harrassed this child since her birth,killed off her family and left her an orphan with people who treated her pretty much like how he was treated, all for a prophecy that wasn't even real. He had called in his elite at that moment, declaring Helena his adopted daughter and put Lucius and Snape in charge of her upbringing henceforth. So that was how Draco and her had found themselves, sitting with each other at the Slytherin table, its occupants looking on in dismay and fear at the new dark princess, she kept her eyes downcast as she ate, trying to move her focus away from Bill and Hermione whom were eating at the Gryffindor table, when she had walked in Bill hadn't even given her glance and it kept eating away at her as she sat. Draco placed a reassuring hand on her back as the twins sent thumbs ups to her from the other side of the table, after 5 minutes of eating her head shot up, her nose sniffing at the air as she stared at the entrance of the great hall. Her wings started fluttering as the door opened and a rather dashing 21 year old man walked through it, his eyes also scanning through the tables till it rested on Helena, he calmly walked to the table, all the while she could see his hands itching to grab her and his legs looking unsteady as he tried to walk slowly. "Helena Potter." He said as he stopped in front of her, Fred and George both enjoying the show as they ate their breakfast, while Hermione looked on in anger and Bill in confusion. Helena tilted her head to show she was listening,her leathery wings flapping behind her in muted excitement, "We have previously met before, but I shall formally introduce myself to you. I am Charlie Weasley, the second eldest of the Weasley siblings and I am now the housing the entity known as Cain, which I have heard is the mate and lover of your entity Lilith." He delicately held her hand, kissing the back of it in a gentlemanly manner, which left Lilith, Helena and the rest of the hall in complete shock. Bill stood up in anger, stalking forward as he grabbed his younger sibling by the collar, "Who told you,you were the one to house Cain Charlie?!" He screamed into his ear, before Helena knew it, she had pushed Bill away from Charlie, her tail poised to strike as she bared her fangs at her former mate, "You do not....touch him William Weasley." The entire hall let out an unneeded breath as Charlie wrapped his arm around her waist, whispering softly into her ear to calm her down as she relaxed against him. "Come on you have class." He said for everyone to hear as he lead her out of the class, she leaned against him, her entire body quivering as she held back the urge to cry, until finally she let it all out into Charlie's chest, he held her close to him. If anyone walked past them,they would see two lovers, the man consoling the woman,what they wouldn't know,is that the two lovers had so much to learn from each other, and one had to learn to love again.

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