Chapter 14

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Still in Natsu's POV

Once I finished reading the letter I couldn't believe it. She was getting bullied by someone. . . I told her I won't let any of this happen again but it did I didn't know about it.

How could I be so stupid?!

This would have never have happened if I didn't start bullying her in class. Everyone would have left her alone if I didn't start things.

It's my fault.

I picked her up and ran out, I told Happy and Winter to stay there while I go get Y/N checked. I ran all the way to porlyusica. She could help Y/N, she'd shout at me and tell me she doesn't like kids but she'd still help.

As I was running down the street I saw some of the student from the sabertooth class. They were stalking there was Sting, Yukino, Rogue and Minerva.

Sting waved to me as I nodded my head to him and continued to run, all of them was confused but I didn't stop I had to get Y/N help and I had to get it now.

One I finally made there porlyusica shouted at me to go away and all that, wow what a surprise I say sarcastically. Great now I'm starting to speak like Horologium (not too sure if that's right. . . I just guessed. . . )

After Y/N was healed I say at the side of her bed looking at her. I put her through so much. It's my fault she's like this, why did I do that to her? She didn't deserve any of it and "I made her-"

"Like an outcast."

My eyes widened not just at the words but at the fact she's awake. That was fast. Judging from the reaction that porlyusica gave she wasn't suppose to be awake so soon.

"You treated me like an outcast. Someone that's not wanted anywhere. So I took the hint." I heard her say.

Words cannot express how sad I am right now.

And yet... She was right. I did treat her like an outcast. All because I wanted Lucy happy. I was such an idiot, I should have just ended the relationship right there and then. But instead I made a member of my class want to commit suicide and thinks death is better than living.

"I know what I done was really terrible, and I realize you won't forgive me for what I did to you but... Let me at least make it up to you Y/N." I told her, my head hung down so I was looking at the floor.

I can sense her looking at me with a glare and I deserve that. "How could you possibly make it up to me? And I see the spell wore off. Good for you." She said to me.

I looked down and saw I was indeed my old self and I didn't notice... Oh well. I moved my eyes from myself to the girl Infront of me I had a serious look in my eyes. "I could show you that life is worth living." I told her.

Her eyes widened as I said those words, she couldn't believe I told her that. But they went back to normal and had a dull look in them. I didn't want her to go back to the sleeping pills. "When we go home I'm going to search your room. And take anything you can use to kill yourself with. Your not dying unless it's of old age or natural causes.

Porlyusica decided to let us go home since she was healed way faster than what she was suppose to. Maybe it was because of her magic.

Anyway we went home and I checked her room, I threw out every that was could cause her harm. Her blades, her pills, and her loose joggers which she could just tie around her neck and choke herself.

She wasn't too happy about this but when I said I'm going to make her see life is worth living.

I meant it.

Hiya guys! I'm so sorry for not updating!

So as I said last chapter November 21st is my birthday which means I'm 18 now. Damn I'm at legal age to drink where I am from and drive a car, but I don't drink and can't get my driver's license because of COVID!!

Anyway mine and my boyfriend's relationship has been 1year 1month since 2 days ago.

So tell me how you guys are. It's been a while since I updated and I'm sorry for that I'll update this more as well as my other one.

"My fairyTale Nightmare"

If your a fan of Shoto Todoroki and haven't read it check it out.

Also I have no idea how long this story will be and the ENDING WILL BE THE ENDING.

Thank you for reading

Bye for now

To be continued!

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