Playdate with korra

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Asami POV

"Are you sure you have everything Korra" I ask

"I'm sure Sami" she says pushing me out the door

"Do you have her epiPen" I ask

"Yes now go"  she says closing the door in my face and i get in the car and drive to the spa. once i get there i see opal waving at me like a crazy person

"i cant believe korra actually got you out of the house" opal says

"well she may or may not have had to push me out the door" i say

"come on lets get in so we can talk shit about her" opal tease and we walk into the spa

korra pov

"aright you ready princess" i say to yue

"yes so where are we going" she asks

"were going to the zoo so we can see uncle bolin at work and also see all the cool animals" i say and i see her whole face brighten

"yay" she screams. and we go to the car and we have a quit drive to the zoo. we finally get get there

" i want to see the snakes" yue cheers we walk over to the snake exabit and it says close

"sorry princess but we cant see the snakes" i say and we looks at me with tears in her eyes and then she sits on the ground

"NO NO NO I WANT TO SEE THE SNAKES" she scream crys and i was start to freak out then i get an idea

"hey yue how about we see uncle bo" i say hoping it would work and we looks at me and says a quiet ok and pushes her arms out for me to grab her. i pick her up and we walk to the ferret exabit

asami pov:

"so hows married life" i ask

" you know its fine were the same just with some rings but the honeymoon sex was the best" she says wiggling her eyebrows

"eww really opal" i says laughing

"what it was. now on the topic of relationship how's yours" she asks

"its actually been great her and yue have been getting closer. i mean yue hangs off her when ever she's around" i say

"i didn't ask about yue and korra relationship i asked about yours" she says

"ok fine she's amazing once a week she sends flowers to my office and she always asks me about my day and the sex is just wow" i say blush all over my face

korra pov;

"hey bolin" i say walking up to him

"hey korra and how are you doing doing young lady" he says picking yue up making her laugh

"Hey yue you can go play on the play ground" I say and she runs to the slide

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