yue new room!

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korra pov:

"OMG how do you do this" I scream pointing at the bed in pieces

"korra just have Mako and Bolin build the bed. you come help me and wu with the painting" opal say and I groan and walk over to her and wu

"you know this is really nice of you to do for Yue" Bolin says

"your such a simp for asami korra" wu says and everyone starts laughing expect me

"what how!!" I ask throwing my hands in the air

"remember when she would have and bad day you would drop everything and be with her and you would rub her feet" wu says

"what I'm just being a good girlfriend" I say

"korra you hate feet you once punched Bolin in the face for his foot touching your leg" opal says

"whatever. ok asami should be here in an hour so we can all hangout then Yue gets off school in 4 hours so we should have time to do everything" I say painting the wall

"aww guys look at our little korra growing up" wu says wiping a fake tear

"its seems just like yesterday you were taking asami virginty when we we're camping" opal says and everyone laughs

"eww you guys had sex when we were in the same house" Mako says

"oh shut up Mako you let wu slam it in your ass" I scoff and everyone starts laughing again and Mako has blush all over his face

time skip to when asami comes...

asami pov

korra texted me to come over to her place and hangout with the gang. I walk up and unlock the door because korra gave me a key.

"hey asami your finally here" Bolin screams

"hey guys" I say

"hey korra your wife is home" opal and wu scream at the same time making me blush. then I hear foot steps down the stairs and I see korra come down with paint on her cheek

"hey babe" korra says giving me a kiss

"hey what's on your face" I ask pulling her face towards me

"its paint I was making a room for Yue" she said her smile bright

"wait what" I ask then she pulls me up to one of the room in her house. we walk in and the room is amazing. I can feel tears in my eyes

"you did this for Yue"  i ask and she just nods I pull her into a passionate kiss she moans into my mouth

" I should do more things for Yue if I'm going to get a kiss like that" she says with a goofy smile.

"is this a way to tell me you want me and Yue to move in" I say with a smirk and her face goes red

"I'm mean if you want" she says then I pull her into another kiss

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