Little Extras

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Just the Eight of Us

I sighed deeply as I finally, finally sunk into the soft mattress. I'd finally gotten Riley and Tony to bed after finding a happy medium of putting them to bed in the same room on account of the attachment they'd formed to one another, they'd found a close bond in being the literal babies of the family, a bond that was formed, I assume by Tony's insistence on helping with every aspect of taking care of his baby sister.

"Rough time sweetheart?"

I looked over at Titus, who was already in bed having taken care that the older boys had properly completed their bedtime routines after a long day of teaching the older boys the ropes of royalty and for Steve specifically, how to be a king.

I sighed again and rolled over so that my head ended up on his chest.

He chuckled quietly and wrapped a loose arm around me.

"That rough?"

"Tony insisted on sleeping in the room with Riley and Riley got upset whenever I'd take Tony to his own room, so I dragged the roll away bed into Riley's room and they were out in no time."

"You should have called me, I would have taken care of it."
I laughed.

"Good, because you're on baby duty tomorrow night and I'll do whatever it is you do with the boys. What is it that you do? Smell checks, making sure they wear clean underwear?"

His chest rumbled as he laughed.

"Basically, but some nights it's a little bit more than that. Sometimes we just gather up in Steve's room and, it's good bonding time that we don't get too often."

"You know, I think we should go on vacation, leave Michael and Avery in charge for a week or so and go on a real family vacation, just the eight of us."

"I know sometimes it seems like more, but we only have five kids sweetheart."

I smiled up at the man I loved, excited to see the reaction I knew this news would garner as I placed on of his large hand over my still flat stomach.

"Six, we have six."

His face was stuck somewhere between confusion and happiness and he looked between me and the hand on my stomach as he tried to make sense of the news.

"You- again? You're pregnant? We're having another baby?"

I nodded.

"Baby? A baby? Oh my goddess we're having a baby!"

Before I knew it, I was wrapped tightly in his arms as he peppered kisses over my face.

"This is amazing! We're having a baby!"

I laughed loudly, Titus' joy was contagious.

He looked up at me, eyes shining.

"Eight of us?"

"Yup. Just the eight of us."

Teenage Angst

"Mama, Jamie's got a boyfriend AND a girlfriend!"

"Shut it Bruce, I do not!"

"Yeah you do I saw you ki-"

There was a yell and a loud thump followed by the sound of what was unmistakably, James and Bruce rolling around on the floor.

Titus, we got a fight in the entryway.

I heard Titus' heavy footfalls as he made his way from his office upstairs.

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