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Dear Taeminie,

9 years. 9 years as a Showel. This is really the longest I have ever fell in love with anyone. I am proof that you guys are awesome and steal thousands and thousands of hearts all over the world! I also noticed how much grown you look, when I first started liking Shinee you were only 14. Now you're 23! Like my mom would say... "Stop growing up so fast." I know you may not think you are growing up fast but you are. And I am still proud of you! I love you and Shinee!

Sincerely, Y/n

December 19, 2017:

Dear Shinee,

I don't even know how to start this...I saw the news from last night. Jonghyun really died? I went to bed early last night and this morning I saw all over my social media that Jonghyun killed himself. Why? Why would he do something like that? Was he sick? What was possibly so bad that he took his own life, leaving millions of fans and family! Most importantly leaving you guys. This is going to hurt me for a while and I am so so sorry this has happened Shinee. I'd give you a hug and cry with you because I really need a hug too. If you do read this letter sorry for the tear drops. What are you going to do now? What are any of us going to do now? You guys aren't going to disband right? I hope not. Showels love you. It would break our hearts even more if you leave us. No pressure guys...One day we will all be able to put smiles on our faces so please stay safe. I love you guys. Merry Christmas.

With eternal hugs, Y/n

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