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Dear Shinee Taemin,

I'm so sorry I almost forgot to write you a letter this year! This year was pretty fast so I discovered some other Kpop groups, don't worry tho, Shinee with always be my number 1. If I find interest in other Kpop groups is that considered cheating? I hope not. I have liked Kpop for seven years now and it's always keeping me positive. I love watching your concerts on YouTube and listening to your music on Spotify, you and Shinee have been spectacular and I am so proud that you are still making Kpop such a great music genre! Christmas is soon. What do you want for Christmas, Taemin? Whatever it is you want I am sure you are going to get it, you have been nice all year. I've been good all year too, so what I want for Christmas is one of your albums and tickets to your next concert. I really really really want to go to one of your concerts! That's the main thing I want! I've never been to a Kpop concert so that would make this years Christmas the best Christmas ever! If I do go to a concert, I hope you see me. Not like you know what I look like but making eye contact with you would be nice :)

Fingers crossed, Y/n

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