3. Jily

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A/N: This is gonna be in a new book I'm writing of just a ton of one shots of James asking Lily out lmfao but here's the first chapter ig

Day 1

A red-head girl was sitting in the Gryffindor common room reading a muggle play called "Hamlet." The bright mid-afternoon sun was streaming through the red and gold curtains, illuminating everything in a gold color. The fire crackled loudly, the wood shifting every once in a while. Lily was the only one in the common room, and she quite enjoyed moments like these.

She was just about to turn the page in her book when a large and very shaggy black dog ran down the steps leading from the boys dormitories. Lily had no knowledge of any of the boys having a dog, but he had a red and gold collar on, so she assumed that he belonged to one of the boys. Dogs weren't even allowed at Hogwarts! She frowned at the dog at first, but when he tilted its head with his tongue out and his tail wagging, she gave in and let him sit next to her on the couch. Once he hopped up next to her on the couch, putting his head in her lap, she was able to get a good look at his collar tags.

"Snuffles, huh?" She scratched behind his ears as she talked to him. "Well that's just adorable. Do you have a person looking after you, Snuffles?" Of course Lily didn't expect the dog to answer, so she wasn't surprised when he just shook out his fur and stretched. Coincidentally, when he stretched, he knocked a small package off the table which Lily could swear wasn't there before. She picked up the tiny brown box off of the ground and looked at the tag on it. As soon as she read the tag, she rolled her eyes and set the package down on the table, picking her book back up.

'To my loveliest Lily Flower, Love your dearest James' read the card. Of course Lily was used to his flattery, but that doesn't mean she wasn't still annoyed by it.

Apparently, the dog had other ideas than for her to just set the gift down. He jumped off of the couch and gently picked up the small box, handing it to Lily. Now that she thought about it, the dog really did remind her of someone she knew. She just couldn't place who...

Snuffles impatiently nudged her hands to close over the box. Lily sighed and shook her head at the dog, a small smile playing at her lips. She gently pulled the ribbon off of the small box. As soon as she opened the lid of the box, a tiny series of fireworks shot out of the box. They were mostly red and gold, but also included purples and whites.

When the sparks died down, there was a small jade ring left in the box. Lily couldn't help but gasp as she looked at it. It was absolutely gorgeous. Very simple, but gorgeous nonetheless. There was a large, circular stone of jade right in the middle of a border of small gold curls. The curls melded together down into two bands to go around Lily's finger. Lily put the box down on the table and slipped the ring onto her middle finger on her right hand, still gazing at it in admiration.

"Wow," she breathed, just as James walked in from the boys dorm. He grinned and walked up to be in front of her with a skip in his step.

"So you like it then?" Lily's head snapped up. She hadn't realized James had come in.

"James I-" She smiled, "I love it! Thank you. But what's it for?"

He grinned again and bowed close to the floor, extending his arm to Lily.

"A date with the fair lady of course!" Lily just chuckled. "Is that a yes?"

"Since when is a laugh a yes?"

"...since now?"

"No, James. Nice try though!" Lily stood up with her book and started walking towards the portrait. If she was ever going to get any reading done, she would have to be somewhere else.

"One day you'll say yes, Firehead Lily Flower, my love." Lily just threw a not so friendly hand gesture over her shoulder as the portrait closed. That was the day Lily started wearing rings on her middle fingers, so she could flip James off in style.

James turned to where Snuffles had just been, but now a man who slightly resembled Snuffles was there. "I told you we should have gotten her flowers too, Pads!"

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Whatever. The ring was a good idea though. She definitely loved it."

"One day..."

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