Falling Too Fast: Chapter 1

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 Chapter 1

Aqua’s POV

"I'm so tired of your attitude!" my father screamed at me. Ugh I’m is so tired of him yelling about my ‘attitude’

"Dad I know!" I said annoyed and fed up with this shit. He just gets so annoying and I can't help but argue.

"Excuse me?" He used his deathly tone that practically screamed, you are in trouble. Yup, after that as I expected, my precious iPod was gone for the day. Oh yeah my name is Aquamarine Rogue, I kind of like it especially with my middle name which is Diamond but I have no idea why it's my middle name. My parents just said they have a feeling that it's important. I'm 16 and I go to Donovan Prep, but I like to call it 'six wasted hours of my day'

.I have medium brown hair that reaches to about my chest and I guess I have a nice figure but I don't know. I have dull green eyes that I absolutely hate and my skin is not too pale nor too tan, I guess you could say I'm pretty but to me and most people at my school I'm average which means I'm a loser, but hey not everyone wants to be a slut ya know? I live Cali of course. I'm an only child, sadly even though I really want a little brother or sister but you can't always get what you want.

So, that little ‘scene’ you just witnessed was my daily routine with my father and no he's not abusive or anything. He just has a short temper and with my attitude, it's a bad mix. My mom is usually at work early in the morning and till late at night, so I don't get her pity that often.

I got ready for school. I combed my hair, put on my dark blue skinny jeans and a cute top; going down the stairs I find my dad has already gone to work. I sighed. I guess I have to walk to the school.

I was half-way to school when I saw a pink Volkswagen bug flying down the street like a freaking racecar. It was going like 40MPH in a 5MPH street. That person needs to slow down and change the color of that god foresaken car. I would prefer a sleek black mustang but I don't have a licesnse so I'm screwed.

Ryan's POV

"Honey your grades are slipping." My mom said. I sighed and just focused on the paperwork I was working on because as my packs Alpha, I have to do it and it sucks.

My name is Ryan Sterling of the Blizzard Pack, I'm 17, I have jet black hair & blue eyes, so I'm pretty good looking and I don't care if this sounds self-centered 'cause well- it’s true. My pack had to move because we have some threats from surrounding packs. Loud parties, complaining girls, and pissed off mates of those girls...You know, the regular. As you can tell, I'm a your typical bad-boy player type. I like to shag girls, go to parties and get drunk. I'm 17 for gods sake, I deserve some fun, since most of my time is occupied by being Alpha.

So it was goodbye North Carolina, hello California and it's hot babes. Not that I mind. 

“Mom I have been swamped! I have alpha duties. You know that!"  I reasoned with her.

My mom sighed, ”This year at your new school, you have to get no C's or your not going to be alpha anymore." I looked at her annoyed and disbelieveing. "What?" Mom you can’t control that. So ha." I said triumphantly told her. But when she grinned evilly, I knew she could do whatever the hell she wanted.

 "I can and I will! Don't tempt me!" I looked at her proud look. I sighed in defeat. "Fine"

I stomped out like a child and got ready for school. I got ready and ate my ‘in a hurry breakfast’ then I was out the door, but by that time I heard a squeal of delight followed by an ear piercing scream that said "Ryan! Baby let's go, I want to show everyone we are together and make sure no hoes try to hit on you!"

Oh shit! School!

Instead of answering her, I ran out of my office to my bedroom. It was a typical man-room. Posters of bands and hot bikini models, clothes littering the ground and the smell of Axe sitting in the air. I grabbed a semi-clean, blue shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans and got dressed since I was still in my boxers and a shirt. When I was done dressing myself, I ruffled my long hair to get the, I-just-got-out-of-bed hair, since the ladies love it. Then I was off.

Copyright 2011©Lovesoreel

So there are some spelling changes, and just a few edited sentences!

Thanks to my new editor MsKatie!

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