Falling Too Fast: Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Aqua’s POV

I can't stand him any longer! Ugh. He's been trying annoy me for the past forty-five minutes and its working.


"Hey will you quit staring at me. I'm starting to get a little uncomfortable." he said with a smirk. Staring!? What the hell?

As I said before, Ass!

"Hey jerk, quit be an egotistical ass. It's starting to get uncomfortable for us awesome people." I said while grinning.

He looked like he was thinking about what to say next, which made me grin more. Let me rephrase everything I’ve been saying about him. He’s not just an ass. He’s a dumbass.

"Mr. Sterling, Ms. Roque! Please pay attention in my class or be gone!" The teacher, whose name always slips my mind, screamed at us. I shrugged.

"Okay." I simply said. Then as he requested I walked out

"Where do you think you are going Aqua?!" he strained not to scream.

"I'm doing as you instructed. I don't want to pay attention so I'm 'being gone'." I said with a shrug and I looked to Ryan who looked amused yet worried-Wait? Worried?

Must have been trick of the light, I thought. Just because he is my mate don’t means he wants me, which he made clear earlier today.

Screw mates!

I walked out and heard protests from the teacher but just kept walking.

My goodness! Ryan is so confusing. First he's a prick and second he's worried I would get in trouble, stupid boy!

I don't want a mate yet, do I? Why couldn't I have been born ‘normal’ and fall in love with some boy and who breaks hearts instead of getting stuck with my ass of a soul mate. Wait? Did I say my soul mate? Noooo! He’s not mine. Period!


Someone said as they almost landed to the floor if I hadn’t caught them. Well I kind of cause it but that’s not important…

"Hey watch where you are going!" she, from which I could tell from the voice, said.

"Excuse me, you’re the one who walked into me" I retorted

She looked shocked then, happy? No, not happy. Ecstatic! What is up with his chick?

“You are Aqua, aren’t you?!" she practically screamed.

I shushed her and hastily pushed her into the convenient closet close to us as I heard footsteps.

She looked confused then finally caught on.

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jordan Sterling." she said while grinning widely.


 "Sterling? Like Ryan Sterling?"

"Yup, I’m his sister" she said simply.

Before I could say anything she dragged me out the closet, out the school door and down the hall then to the forest which is conveniently next to the school.

"What the…" I asked shocked.  

"Sorry but I couldn't talk to you in there. I’m claustrophobic." She said smiling with her straight teeth.

I looked at her for the first time, I mean -really looked at her.

She was thin. Not too skinny. She was curvy and she rocked it with a flowing blue shirt with tight skinny jeans. Her hair was dark brown with a tint of ruby and purple which made me like her so much more. She has slightly-tanned skin which made it stand out and she looked around 16 like me and was about 5'4 which made her a bit shorter from my 5'8 height. She also had chocolate brown eyes that made her look innocent but her style contradicted that presumption. She was gorgeous to be truthful.

"Ok? Why do you have to talk to me?" I asked.

She looked at me and smiled then said,

"I want your help."



Thanks to MsKatie!

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