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"What do you mean?" Ainsley asked, feeling like her mouth went completely dry.

"After the coronation, I still want you to be here. With me." Richard noticed the hesitation. "You can think about it. I don't need an answer right now."

Later through the party, Ainsley pulled Katie out of the room into the hall the first chance she got. "I need to talk to you." Ainsley stated looking around and deciding to pull her further away from the entrance.

"What's wrong?" Katie asked and Ainsley sighed looking around to make sure the coast was clear. "Ainsley, will you tell me what's wrong?"

"He asked me to stay." Ainsley said, feeling every nerve in her body on edge.

"What?" Katie asked, confused.

"He wants me to stay after the coronation."

Katie stared at her in shock. "Wow."

Ainsley paused for a moment waiting for Katie to say something more. "Wow? Really, wow. That's all you got?" Ainsley asked and Katie just shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know what else to say. What are you thinking?"

Ainsley paused for a moment feeling as if there were a million thoughts moving through her head. "I-I don't know. I..." Ainsley looked back over at Katie.

"Do you love him?"

Ainsley paused for a moment feeling as if her heart grew at the idea. "Yeah." Ainsley nodded. "Yeah, I do."

Katie smiled at her and before she could say anything another voice came over. "Hello ladies." Both girls looked over to see Kyle stumbling over to them.

"Someone's drunk." Ainsley stated and Kyle scoffed.

"I'm not drunk. I am completely coherent."

"Kyle, you need to get some sleep." Ainsley stated.

"It must be hard for you to be around her. To see your competition."

Ainsley's face scrunched up at the smell on his breath. "Okay, come on. Have a seat." Ainsley motioned to the couch sitting against the wall. He leaned closer to her and Ainsley moved back, stopping him with a hand on his chest. "Stop."

"Why? Only like a king's touch?" He asked moving back only slightly.

"Katie, why don't you get Helga?" Ainsley asked keeping her eyes on Kyle. "I'm sure she'll know where his room is."

"I'm not leaving you." Katie stated and Ainsley looked over at Katie.

Ainsley moved away from Kyle going over to Katie. "I'll be fine. The Queen doesn't any bad press and him causing a drunken scene will do exactly that. So please?" Katie nodded before walking away.

Ainsley heard Kyle chuckle making her look back over at him. "I don't understand what anyone sees in him. In any of them. I try so hard and they try so little. They don't deserve everything that they get! He doesn't deserve what he gets!" Kyle stressed walking back over to Ainsley. "You have to see that. He doesn't deserve you." Ainsley put her hand out again and Kyle grabbed her wrist. Not tight enough to hurt her, but tight enough she could take her hand away. "He doesn't deserve Caroline."

"You brought her here?" Ainsley asked. "Why would you do that?"

"I thought if she saw him moving on she would see me." Kyle spoke with tears in his eyes.

"Okay, we can talk about that, but you have to let me go." Ainsley stated still trying to get him to break free.

Kyle stared at Ainsley and she saw a brokenness in his eyes. "I could make you so happy. I could make you feel good." Kyle leaned in towards Ainsley holding her wrist and Ainsley pushed him away.

"No," Ainsley tried to keep him away and he quickly pushed her back against the wall. "No!"

Katie walked back into the party looking around the room. She felt as if there was a pit in her stomach. She cursed herself for leaving Ainsley there. She noticed Sienna and Blake walking over to her and she looked away trying to find Helga. "Katie, what's wrong?" Blake asked.

"Nothing. Well, um, I'm looking for Helga. Do you know where she is?" Katie asked with a sense of urgency.

Richard walked over them confused. "Has anyone seen Ainsley?" Richard asked.

"I'm looking from Helga." Katie stated with a sense of urgency. "Does anyone know where Helga is?"

Richard looked at Katie. "What's going on?"

Katie sighed. "Kyle is drunk and he's alone with Ainsley and I'm looking for Helga because we don't know what room he's in."

"You can't leave drunk Kyle alone with anybody." Blake stated and Katie looked at him confused.

"Where are they?" Richard asked.

Ainsley tried to push him off, but it was too much being pinned up against the wall. "No!" Ainsley shouted and Kyle was pushed off of her. Ainsley looked over to see Richard standing between them.

Katie walked over to Ainsley. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Ainsley nodded.

"Make sure he gets out of here." Richard stated and Blake nodded pushing Kyle towards the exit.

Richard looked over at Ainsley. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Really." Ainsley stressed and Richard put his hand on her back walking her out of the room.

The Royal TripOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant