Chapter 2: Day at the Amusement Park

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The three had woken up to a great day; the sun was shining the birds were chirping, and the smell of bacon greeted Lana's and Sam's noses, the heavenly aroma practically carried the two. Lana made her way into the kitchen and stood behind Rachel "mornin' sugar" Lana sleepy whispered on to Rachel's neck

"good morning baby, morning Sammy." Rachel greeted her two treasures "there are pancakes in the microwave along with some coffee and hot chocolate." Rachel chirped like the morning person she is

"you're a god sent, you know that?" Lana smiled as she press a chaste kiss on to her doting girlfriend

"oh, you." Rachel rolled her eyes playfully and chuckled at how silly Annie could be, it was after all just coffee.

once the bacon was cooked to perfection Rachel grabbed a plate of pancakes for herself and placed bacon on everyone else's plate, just as the night before they linked hands and said grace before digging into their first breakfast as a family.

"you're cooking the best!" sam said through a mouthful of pancake and face smeared with syrup

"you shouldn't speak with your mouth full dear, it's rude," Lana said with a slightly full mouth

"Lana," Rachel giggled

"what?" the beauty marked women looked over to her lover

"you're being hypocritical." Rachel deadpanned seeing as to how her girlfriend could be so oblivious

"I am not." the other strawberry blond retorted having swallowed her food

"never mind." Rachel shook her head and continued to eat her breakfast

"you two are really funny," Sam said before shoving more bacon into his mouth

"Whatever." Lana rolled her eyes and ruffled the Raveonettes hair.

Once they were done eating they started to get ready for the day. Sam had chosen to wear a playing shirt and some black jeans, Annie had chosen a white hoodie and white leggings, and Rachel wore a simple sundress.

"So where are we going today?" sam asked once they were in the car

Lana nodded at the girlfriend as if saying it was alright to tell him now

"we're going to the amusement park!" Rachel cheered

"yay! we're going to the amusement park, we're going to the amusement park." sam sang from the back seat, Lana and Rachel smiled at each other after they saw what was happening in the back seat, then they pulled out of the driveway to go to the amusement park

-at the Marshes house-

A police car was parked outside the Marsh residence thus drawing attention to it from nosy neighbors and they're guests

"why would he run away aaa?" a sob racked through Wendy as the police questioned her

"I don't know ma'am you tell me." the officer droned as he wrote in his little notepad

"just what are you implying Officer Tucker?" Stan held his wife closer to him in defense

"I'm just searching for a possibility on why he wouldn't return home." Mr. Tucker held his hands up in submission "I didn't mean any harm," he added

"right, sorry, we're just worried is all." Stan looked down in shame

"no need to apologize, I understand." Tucker tipped his uniform cap "now Mrs. Marsh, you're sure Sam didn't just go over to a friend's place for the night and is just staying there?"

"yes, I called all his friends and they said that he wasn't there." she wiped her eyes and Stan gave her a tissue

"all right, thank you for your time, I'll see what I can do." Tucker closed his note pad and left.

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