"Only for you," I teased, crawling back up his body and kissing all over his face. "So... what was that about a plane home early?"

"Kirishima said that due to the cancellation of the expo, we've been told that now they have our statements from last night it's best that we head home, so our flight is in two hours," he said, his chest still rising and falling quickly. I laid on top of him and nodded, snuggling my head into his chest. "So as much as I'd love to stay like this, we probably ought to start getting packed," he added.

I pouted but I knew he was right, so he headed back to his room, the two of us taking a shower then packing and meeting up outside both of our rooms half an hour later. He greeted me with a sweet kiss, and hand in hand we walked out of the hotel to flag down a taxi, ready to head to the airport. We arrived there with an hour to spare, so phoned both of our families and told them of the situation. It was fair to say that my mother was terrified, but I assured her that we were all okay, my only injuries being my feet.

Her worry was understandable, and apparently Fuyumi felt the same as Shoto attempted to talk to her over the phone. After spending an age explaining to the two what had happened, it was finally time to board with the others in our class who 'oooed' and 'awwed' when they saw Shoto and I holding hands. The attention made me blush a bit, but Shoto just clung onto my hand tighter as we went through the classic airport procedures.

We sat behind Uraraka and Jirou who kept on turning around to tease us or ask us questions about our relationship, but they thankfully soon got the gist that we wanted to be left alone so that we could enjoy the flight together. We spent the majority of the time cuddling, whispering to each other and laughing, even sharing a few short kisses. I was surprised that he didn't seem to mind pda, and I was thankful for this fact at the same time as it allowed me to prove to other girls that he was mine.

"Do you fancy staying over at my house tonight?" I suggested timidly, knowing already that my mother would be alright with it.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be any trouble," he said nervously but I shook my head.

"You'll be no trouble at all, I'll be glad of your... company," I put emphasis on that word, hoping he understood what I was insinuating and judging by the blush that appeared on his cheeks, he seemed to.

"T-then yes, I'd love to," he tried to ignore the fact he stuttered, but I just found it cute. I pecked his cheek as the plane landed back onto tarmac, us then making our way through the airport after claiming our luggage and heading to find Fuyumi.

She was stood in the car park with Natsuo next to her, and just before we reached them Shoto warned me that Natsuo was likely to poke fun at the two of us. As soon as we were in earshot of his siblings, he was proven right. "Aw, now what do we have here?" Natsuo teased, gesturing Shoto and my interlaced hand.

"We're together now," Shoto said, plain as day and I blushed crimson.

"Aw, Shoto finally has his first girlfriend!"


"How cute! Honestly I never thought Mr I-never-smile would get a girlfriend- OW! Fuyumi!" Natsuo shouted, rubbing the back of his head where Fuyumi had just hit.

"Ignore him you two," Fuyumi said simply, then gesturing the car.

"I already do as much as I can," Shoto said and I tried not to giggle.

"Hey! What kind of little brother are you?" Natsuo sulked as Shoto put our luggage in the boot. As soon as we climbed into the car though, the two of them began asking questions about exactly what happened on the island. We told them as much as we could about the events that took place inside the tower and about the police questioning after, but nothing beyond that. "So how did this happen?" Natsuo gestured our relationship.

"It's none of your business," Shoto said simply.

"Aw c'mon!" Natsuo whined.

"He's right Natsuo, leave them alone," Fuyumi said and Natsuo went back to sulking.

"Oh, I'm staying the night at (y/n)'s so you can drop us both off there," Shoto piped up.

"Are you sure you don't want to see dad before you go?" Fuyumi asked and I heard my boyfriend scoff.

"I'm positive," he growled. I knew the relationship between him and his father was sketchy at best. "Just tell him I'm alive."

Fuyumi sighed from the front seat but remained quiet after that. "Are you sure it's alright for me to stay? Your mum won't mind?" Shoto turned to me.

"No, she'll be happy to properly meet you Shoto," I smiled brightly, excited to spend another night with him. He showed his rare smile also making me blush a little, and it wasn't long before we were parked outside of my house. "Thank you so much for the lift Fuyumi," I bowed my head but she shook her hand.

"No need to thank me (y/n). I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon!" She smiled sweetly. Shoto then clambered out and ran to open the car door for me, making me blush at his gentlemanly manners.

"Don't forget to use a condom-," we heard Natsuo's voice before Shoto slammed the door shut. We both blushed bright red but I couldn't stop myself from laughing a little bit. Shoto just rolled his eyes and pulled open the boot, us hearing Fuyumi shouting at Natsuo from the front seat. We said our last goodbyes to his two siblings and, with our suitcases, headed inside.

I was engulfed by my mothers arms but repeatedly assured her that I was okay. As soon as she saw my hand connected with Shoto's she put two and two together, and suddenly became bright and bubbly realising her daughter had herself a boyfriend. She started showering Shoto with questions, sitting him down and getting tea and biscuits, perhaps pampering him a bit too much.

"Sorry," I whispered to him awkwardly as we sat on the sofa in the front room.

"Don't worry about it," he leant over and kissed my temple sweetly.

"You two are probably quite tired from the long journey aren't you... perhaps you two ought to go rest for the night, we can go out for breakfast tomorrow morning, how does that sound?" She asked, walking back into the lounge.

"That's very kind of you, thank you Mrs (l/n)," Shoto said politely, standing and bowing.

"Thanks mum, goodnight," I kissed her cheek, taking Shoto's hand once more and dragging him up the stairs to my room. As soon as we were inside I looked the door and turned back to him, wearing a mischievous smile. He so obviously could tell what I had planned, and within seconds the two of us had our lips planted against each others, kissing passionately, tongues colliding. Our bodies fell back onto my bed, and that night was once again filled with nothing but passionate love.

Being Shoto Todoroki's girlfriend was the best feeling ever.

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