He took her hand and they entered the green room which was surprisingly lacking the color it was named after. A young, short blond sat in an oversized chair. She jumped up when she noticed them.

"Ricky Bowen, so good to see you!"

"You as well Ms. Mandel." Ricky shook her hand, "This is my song writer and girlfriend Nini Salazar-Roberts."

"Nice to meet you." Nini said shyly.

"It is so nice to meet you as well Miss Salazar-Roberts, and both of you, please call me Lexi."

Ricky pulled Nini over to the couch set in front of the chair. She was surprised when he pulled her as close as he could without her ending up in his lap, his arm around her waist. Nini knew this was for show, but damn, it felt nice.

"Oh look at you, so cute." Lexi gushed, sitting down and motioning to her camera man, "Shall we begin?"

She attached small microphones to their shirts. Then she fluffed her hair, put in an ear microphone, then made a gesture to the camera man and began.

"Hey everyone, Alexis Mendel here. Today I get the special honor to interview up and coming recording artist, Ricky Bowen and his song writer/girlfriend Nini Salazar-Roberts."

"Hey." Ricky said with ease, Nini just smiled.

"So, Ricky, tell me a little about your new song Break My Heart and its conception."

"Well Lexi, I wanted to take my wonderful girlfriend someplace special, so I took her to the Gehry Concert Hall where we had the place to ourselves. Much to my surprise, Nini started playing the piano, a song I never heard. She told me she wrote it." Ricky paused and kissed her temple, "So I begged her to help me with a song and she did. It's a song that's extremely special to me, and I hope it resonates with everyone who listens to it."

Nini looked up at him in awe. He was able to twist the story just right, yet make it believable.

"Nini, how long have you been writing songs?" Lexi asked.

"Oh-um, as long as I can remember. But they are private songs, just for me." she looked at Ricky who gave her a small look of approval.

"So we won't be hearing any of your songs?" Lexi asked.

"No, I'm sorry. But I am ready and willing to write more for this handsome man." Nini smiled at him and gave him a little squeeze.

"I heard you recorded two songs. Can you tell us the name of the other song?" Lexi asked.

Ricky looked down at Nini, she nodded her consent.

"Yes, of course. It is called Fighter." he said.

"Ooo. Fighter. That sounds tough." Lexi cooed, "Now, on to what everyone is dying to know."

"What's that?" Ricky asked.

"Nini, why on earth did you slap Ricky Bowen?" Lexi asked.

Nini turned red, but Ricky laughed.

"I'm afraid, Alexis, that I was very rude to her and I deserved it." Ricky said.

"I've never done anything like that before!" Nini blurted out, "I was having a bad day, and well, my darling boyfriend here didn't help."

"How were things smoothed over?" Lexi was on the edge of her seat.

"After he swallowed his pride, he came and found me and apologized." now Nini was having fun, "He asked me to dinner and I refused at first, but I gave in after he apologized some more."

Nini almost burst out laughing when she felt Ricky give her a little pinch in her side. He pulled her closer, causing her to fall across his chest.

"Ricky!" she gasped, sitting upright, face again red.

"Well, I can see you two have worked things out and are having fun." Alexis laughed, "Nini, you have two children, correct?"

"Yes." she said cautiously, "Twins, a boy and a girl. They are five years old."

"How do they like Ricky?" Lexi asked.

Nini smiled from the memories of Chuck E Cheese and the beach.

"They adore him. Ricky is my son's hero. My daughter is still a little shy, but she has told me that she likes 'Mr. Ricky.'"

"Aww." Lexi said, "And Ricky, what do you think of the little Salazar-Roberts Twins?"

"Oh, they are incredible kids. Nini's son is my little man, her daughter a princess. We have great fun together."

Nini actually found herself cuddling into Ricky, feeling warm and safe.

"Well, that's all the time we have. Thank you Ricky Bowen and Nini Salazar-Roberts for your time. I wish you both the best. Break My Heart and Fighter will be available for download or purchase next week. This is Alexis Mendel for the SSW, the Super Star Watch."

With that she made a cutting motion with her hand.

"Thanks guys." she said, leaving the room swiftly.

Ricky and Nini didn't move from their position. It wasn't awkward and it didn't feel wrong. In fact, it was comfortable, just right.

"You did great darling." Ricky said.

Nini shifted so her chin was set on his shoulder.

"Really. I didn't mess up?"

Ricky turned his head, his eyes flickering to her lips. She instinctively licked them. His brown eyes became near black as he leaned in-

"Ricky! Nini!" Red burst into the room.

Ricky looked like he was ready to kill his best friend, but Red was oblivious to it, asking how the interview went. Kourtney was better at testing the temperature of the room, and tried to persuade the hyperactive man out of the room, but it was too late, the moment was ruined.

"Why don't we all go out to eat?" Kourt suggested, "I'm not paying of course, but-"

"My treat." Nini said, rolling her eyes at her friend, "After all, I did just get a preemptive paycheck."

"Let's take the limo." Ricky suggested, "And pick up the kids from your mom's"

"Whoo-hoo!" Red shouted, running down the hall.

"How old are you?" Kourt demanded, rushing after him.

Ricky took her hand. There was no one to pretend around. But that was ok with her.

I think you will all really like the next two chapters. Just saying 😉

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