Chapter 3

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Deepika and Ranveer were seated at the study room and were browsing through the job opportunities Amazon was providing. Deepika squealed when she found her speciality and it was also vacant. She booked a interview for the next day.

Ranveer smiled looking at her jovial for the first time in nine months. They felt the door open and saw Jaz crawling in. "Aww, my baby missed mama?" She cooed. Ranveer swore he wished she still love him so they could start a family with Jaz.

But he just let that thought go for now. He knew she would never love him again. He looked at Deepika carrying Jaz. Ranveer's phone rang. It flashed Arjun. He forgot, he had called Arjun for a favour. He picked up the call and went to his room and chatted.

He came out after a while to see Deepika on her laptop again. This time, she was scrolling through houses. "Deepika, get the job first. Houses can wait," he said. She looked at him and nodded. She went for her afternoon nap and Ranveer went to the gym...

Next day...

Deepika had left for her interview. Ranveer was in work. He was in a meeting. But the whole time, his mind was on Deepika. He knew she would nail the interview. But he was thinking how disgusting her husband was. How could he leave such a beautiful gem. Ranveer would've never even thought about leaving her.

The meeting was over and everyone went home. Ranveer went home and saw Arjun babysitting Jaz. He asked Arjun to go home and took over the job. He played with Jaz. Deepika entered the house to see Jaz on Ranveer and playing peek-a-boo. She smiled. She wanted a husband like him. And now she finally thought, why did she leave him.

"So, how was your interview?" He asked. "I am hired. I start tomorrow," she said. He congratulated her. "Now, divorce case," he said. Deepika looked down and nodded. Deepika took a shower and she saw Ranveer had already put Jaz to sleep. She sat down on her bed beside him and opened her laptop. She scrolled through the lawyer page.

They found a suitable lawyer. They emailed the lawyer and she asked for the divorce letters screenshot. Ranveer volunteered to take it but Deepika hurriedly took it and zipped up her bag. He frowned, was she hiding something. "Deepika, what's wrong?" She asked. She shook her head.

He just sighed and let it go. She started talking to the lawyer and booked an appointment with her...

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