Chapter 2: Comfort

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My heart raced as my feet pounded against the ground. My breath was being pulled away from me, making me want to stop but I couldn't. Not after what happened.
Not after what Wilbur said.

I had to find Tubbo. Even if it meant crossing into the land that I was banished from, the place where they would shoot me without blinking an eye.

The border of my former home stood at my feet. I took a minute to retrieve my stolen breath.
Now think, Where would Tubbo be?

Various answers flew through my head. The Whitehouse, the Bench, my home, The L'Mantree, and a few other places.

I was filled with Nostalgia, but one stood out for me. My house. I didn't think Tubbo was there but my aching heart took over. I missed to have a real home.

I took out my last invisibility potion and chugged it. My body faded into a shadow amongst darkness and I sprinted into Manburg.

I didn't even take the Prime Path. I scaled walls and leapt through trees until I found my home in the hill.

I couldn't believe it. Tubbo was there. A voice in my head asked why but right now I couldn't care less.

"Tubbo!' I gasped while my heart was hammering against my chest. I walked into my home. It has been through as much as me. Been rebuilt so many times.

"Tommy? Tommy are you there?" He looked  confused and slightly scared but otherwise I could detect joy in his voice.

I didn't answer him. I dove onto him and hugged him. I forgot to concentrate on my potion and I felt as the effects wash off me. I didn't see his face but I guess when he saw me he hugged me back. We hugged for a few seconds and I took in Tubbo's smell of honey and faint flowers. We broke free.

"Tommy what are you doing here?" he asked "If the others saw you you'll be dead!"

"Tubbo, we need to talk." My face turning grim.

He looked surprised. What information was so important you risk your life for it?

"Oh okay. But it's the middle of the night and if you're as exhausted as you look then you need some rest. And I'm not going to lie, I am tired too after doing Schlatt's work all day" He said. I have to admit that he looked pretty tired. It seemed very welcoming but the voice in my head spoke louder this time.

"What if other people find us?" I asked. "Not to be paranoid but I almost died once and decided it's not for me yet"

Tubbo chuckled and reassured me that my house barely got visited by anyone but him.

We went to the back room and slumped against the wall. Tubbo almost instantly fell unconscious. I was soon to follow, drifting into a nightmare.

  *              *              *              *              *

I was running through woods, Dream and his men hunting me down like I was a animal. Raining arrows and poking their swords at my back. SapNap laughed and threw his torch on dry grass that burst into flames, as well as everything around me. I tried to find an opening between the golden flames but where any one was enemy. Dream, George, SapNap, Schlatt, until I saw my leader.

I ran towards Wilbur and he welcomed me into his arms. He turned me around and I saw the flames. "Look closely Tommy" I squinted my eyes and saw...


It was in flames.

Fundy, Niki, Big Q, all of them, was still in it, desperately trying to save what they can from the flames. And square in the middle of it all was... Tubbo. He was trying to save himself and his bees from the fire now licking at his hands . He saw me and screamed for help.

I wanted to help him, Help save L'Manberg but Wilbur held me back. Tears streamed from my face, evaporating in the heat. Tubbo sadly stared at me and disappeared into the flames.

Wilbur Whispered in my ear; "Isn't it beautiful?"

*              *             *           *            *


I yelled as I shot up in a cold sweat. Tubbo, Unfazed by my sudden movement was still asleep on my shoulder. It amazed me how deep he could sleep when he was exhausted.

I gently wiggled free and got up to get some fresh air outside. I made sure that no one was there, or was coming before I stepped out. It looked like it was Midday. I really slept that late?  My memory kicked in and I remembered that using potion takes a lot of your strength. Well, that and the fact that I haven't had a full nights sleep in a week I thought to myself.


Tubbo's voice came from behind and made me jump a little. "Hey Big T" I replied, not bringing myself to sound mean after my nightmare.

Tubbo looked at me and seemed to realize something. He started walking towards the bench and gestured me to follow.

Once we were sitting he asked: "So what news is so Important that you risk your life?"

I took a deep breath and replied: "It's about Wilbur" Tubbo looked at me with question. "I-I think he's lost it. He talked to me yesterday night about blowing up Manburg, saying that L'Manburg is gone. He-He told me that no one was on our side, not you, not anyone"
I looked at Him, He wasn't saying anything, just listening to every word that I said.
"He said that he meant that I'll never be president. He wants everyone gone, Tubbo. And-And I don't know if we can trust him"

I paused, trying to calm myself. I hate this. I hated acting weak in front of anyone.

But before I could make up for it by cursing I was rapped in a hug. I was too shocked to move at first but put my arms around him, sinking my face into his clothes.

"I-I don't want to do this anymore Tubbo" I whispered.

Tubbo broke us free and Smiled. "We don't have too, you know" I stared at him, clearly confused how. Problems don't just disappear.

"We can run away, just the two of us. I've been thinking to for some time now. I mean who can blame us? We're only 15" He said. He had a point. Normal teenagers would probably be stressing over what they achieved on a test, or if their favorite factual character will survive the next book. Meanwhile Tubbo and I stressed if we would live. It seemed a bit, unfair...

"Alright let's do it" I agreed. Tubbo smiled at me and I shot a smile back.

Let's run away.

*. * * * *

Thank you again for reading this far. Sorry for the long chapter. The next one will probably be out soon enough. I hope you enjoyed.

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[SMP AU] Tommy, Let's Run AwayWhere stories live. Discover now