Chapter 16: Unexpected Guests

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Tubbo's POV:

"Wilbur's dead"

Three months have passed since we ran away, and not much has happened.

Well, if you count all the getting-platonically-married-for-taxes, buying-a-house, and let-your-best-friend-start-the-biggest-hotel-in-the-town business, a lot might have happened. Just a bit.

We met -and became good friends with- this guy called Ranboo, the owner and manager of the little inn we stayed at. The two of us bonded really quickly and spent a lot of time together when Tommy was out putting all his effort in starting his own business, leaving our room at 7am sharp and only came back home at around 8pm, seemingly exhausted but satisfied with his work.

Two weeks later, we were getting platonically married while Tommy was just there the entire time yelling "WHAT THE FUCK? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!" he eventually actually acted as a best man aught to. He had a really deep discussion with Ranboo afterwards about what he'll do to him if he hurts me and I just laughed while Ranboo looked genuinely scared.

Tommy's hotel finally opened, a lovely place with bright red paint and a warm welcome next to the seaside, where you could see the dolphins breech with pride.

Between the money he and Ranboo made we bought our own little home, a house in the outskirts of the village, right next to the woods. It was away from everyone and I think we all enjoyed that fact about it. Neither of us were really normal, Ranboo being half enderman and half unknown, skin white and black with red and white eyes and freakishly tall height. Meanwhile I had my set of ram horns that was developing well enough and Tommy was just well, Tommy.

It frequently smelt of chocolate-chip cookies and occasionally spaghetti in the house, and the sunlight would get caught in the kitchen and bedrooms of the house, heating it up ever so slightly more and throwing a golden glow over the little cottage-like home.

Tommy would often complain about the mobs and more often then not also complain about Ranboo and Micheal, whom has accepted me as his Dada, the adorable little toddler. He was such a cute flower boy on our wedding, and there were many pictures hung up on the wall to prove it.

We all know Tommy doesn't mean the banters, and that he respects Ranboo and thinks of him as a really close friend as he lets the enderman hybrid ruffle his hair and hug him as he pleases.

Micheal is twice as good. We would often catch him playing with him with little plastic toys or just telling him stories with Micheal in his lap under his chin. He would speak piglin to him and the two of them often pranked Ranboo or me in little ways like leaving little rubber duckies all around the kitchen or flipping around the pictures in the house. They were both still children with small joys, even if alone Tommy would still cuss out him and Ranboo (although not in front of him) and just the world in general.

So in short, life was perfect for the three of us. We had our home, our son, our freedom, and a occasional hot chocolate on Micheal's porch with a beautiful view of the sunset on a bench.

That was until Phil and Techno came to visit.

Tommy and Ranboo were at work, managing their different allied hotels, while I was in the basement tinkering with weapons. A nuke to be precise as Ranboo would blankly put it, but no one has to know that. Shhhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone.

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