CHAPTER 2: Trip To The Hospital

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It's been an 1 hour since I agreed to go out with Chris and we haven't even gotten close to the restaurant...well you see what happened is that me and Chris got into his car and thanks to his selective memory he completely forgot where the restaurant is.

We could just use google maps ,but he insists that he can find it...

"Are we there yet?"

"Almost...I think." said Chris determined to find it only to go in circles.

I had enough! I get my phone and put in the address of the restaurant.I shove the phone in his face.

"SEE ITS RIGHT THERE" I say as I point to the screen.


He stops the car and looks at my phone.

"Fine, I give up.."


He takes my phone and heads to the restaurant.

"Finally we're here!" sighed John

Chris takes me to the booth he reserved and sitting there is the rest of our "FRIENDS"...

Richard the old drunk man and my nemesis ~BRIAN~ ,you may be wondering why his here but it's only because Chris and him are friends so I try me best to tolerate him even though it's really hard to.

"You guys are late." said Brain playing with the plastic fork the waiter gave him.

Me and Chris sit down together and try to order something when I immediately notice that I can't afford any of this food...not because it's expensive ,but because I spent all my money on Warlocks and Mages merchandise,but it was worth it,I finally got the limited edition fireball wand and it glows in the DARK!! I know I'm such a nerd.....

"What would you like to get today?" asks the waiter

"I'll have the hake,Richard and Brian said they'll have the beef burger." says Chris to the waiter and now he turns to me."What do you want John?"

"AAAAaaa I want...."

I was hoping he would forget about me.....

"I'll have some water..."

"Aren't you hungry?" asks Chris


That was a complete flat out lie, in truth I'm starving.Sadly my lie didn't last long since after I said that my stomach growls. *GROWL* It's basically shouting that I'm poor....

"John will be having the beef burger,I'll pay for him." said Chris

I should feel bad but I'm really hungry.

"It's not free." said Chris with a smirk on his face


I quickly retract my smile...guess I jinxed it.

"I want you to go speak to that girl." he says while pointing to the bar

This again...

Well you see everyone in the group has a girlfriend even ~BRIAN~. Chris wants to help me find one ,but the last time I tried flirting with a girl it nearly landed me in jail apparently she thought I was trying to rob her.

"You can at least become friends..."said Chris patting me on my shoulder.

"Yeah right, as if he can even talk to a girl." says ~BRIAN~ clearly trying to aggravate.

"HeY GiVE ThE KiD a BrEaK." mumbles Richard.

Nice to know Richard has my back ,but I'm not gonna let ~BRIAN~ get under my skin.

"Yeah your right his just a KID." smirks ~BRIAN~

That's it! I'm no kid,I'll show him!

I get up from my seat and head to the bar.


I don't need luck. I'm now in front of the girl,what should I do....?

"HEY~" I said as I put my hand on her shoulder.

John's inner thoughts : (I'M A IDIOT I'M A IDIOT I'M A IDIOT I'M A IDIOT....)

"Hi" smiles the lady

I'M A IDIOT I'M A IDIO- wait did she just say hi to me!

"Hi I'm John..."


"Want me to buy you a drink?"


This is the first women you've spoke to who doesn't want to pepper spray you gonna be cool...

Everything is going really well and I look back at ~BRIAN~ to shove it in his face ,but instead when I look at ~BRIAN~ he seems to be laughing his lungs out and Richard and Chris both have a look of worry on their face.I don't know why everything is going well.....

Until I look to my left and see the strongest man I've ever seen standing in front of me.

"Hey sweety how you doing." He says to the women and gives her a hug and a kiss.

Oh no....I'm been "flirting" with this guy's girlfriend....

The women is whispering in his ear...what is she telling him?

"I hear you've been trying to flirt my girl."

"Nooooo sir..." I'm such a coward...

"Well then.." says the buff dude as he pats me on the back.

"Hahahahah can't blame ya she is a beaut ain't she."

"Aaaa Mick." says the girl

"Well I'll just leave the two of you then..."

"Wait" says the man


"How about me and you take a few shots?"

"Oh no I'm not that good with alcohol..."

"NONSENSE,have a few!"

He pushes me to the bar as the bartender pours the shots.I turn to my "friends" for help but Richard and Chris won't even look at me and ~BRIAN~ is still laughing.

Mabye one or two won't be that bad.


Aaaah my head hurts,I look around.

"Where am I?"

"Your in the hospital." says Chris


I look a around and see a very angry ~BRIAN~ with a cast on his arm and Richard whose past out in a chair ( to be honest that's normal for Richard..)

"What happened?" I ask Chris

"Well it all started with....."

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CHAPTER END >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Thank you for reading my book! :D

Have an awesome day!

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