CHAPTER 4: The Long Road

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We're on the road! I normally like road trips, me and my family went on road trips all the time so I'm used to it ,but it seems like Richard isn't since his barfing every 10 seconds and if that's not bad enough ~BRIAN~ needs to go to the bath room all the time as well, we've probably stopped at every gas station we've seen. A 4 hour trip may even change to a 8 hour trip with how many stops we've made....

If it wasn't for Chris I would of lost my mind by now ,his been helping me with the others and he brought loads of snacks for the trip! He even brought my favourite snack,....Kelp chips! I don't know why ,but everyone in the car doesn't seem to want any.

"Want some Chris?" I ask him and pass the bag of kelp chips over to him.

"No,you can have it.....,I'm full." says Chris pushing the bag back to me.

"You sure I haven't seen you eat this whole trip?"

"Yea I'm alright, I ate before the trip...." He says rubbing the back of his head

"But it's been 2 hours since then?"

"It was a big meal."

"Fine then." I say as I continue eating the kelp chips. "More for me!"

"ThAt sTuFf StiNks I ThInK I'm GonnA--" says Richard as he pukes out the window...I don't think anyone is driving behind us...I think?

It's been 4 Hours since we've left and like I guessed we're gonna arrive way later then I expected....aaahh I'm only doing this so Chris doesn't get mad at me, trust me you don't wanna make Chris least the view is beautiful it's kinda nice to leave the city.The country side is really calming..I close my eyes and take a deep breath...the air is really fresh here.

"JOHN!" Screams everyone in the car,as I open my I see a truck coming right towards me ,but I swivel out of the way just on time,that almost gave me a heart attack! I must of driven onto the other path when I wasn't looking, new rule: don't close your eyes when driving!

"You nearly killed us!" shouts ~BRIAN~ ,I would say something in return ,but his right..that was stupid of me.

"Let's just forget that ever happened...." I sighed

"And you called me a bad driver!" says Chris.

Richard seems too sick to make a comment, I guess I deserve all that... Oh well let's just focus on the road from now on haha..

Now it's been an hour since the accident it seems like everyone's gone quiet,finally, I thought they would be talking the whole trip ,but of course it wouldn't last long because of Richard....

"WHerE's ThE BeEr!!" screams the shaggy old man

"Richard,there isn't any." says Chris

"WhAT! ThIs Is A RoAD TrIP AnD ThErE IsN'T AnY BeER!" He says drowsily

"You know the beer probably wouldn't help you since your sick." says Chris his such a parent...

"CoMe OoooN..." He says almost about to puke again...I roll down the window next to him just in case.

"We have Coca Lola if you want some?" I said still focused on the road.

"IS It BeEr?"


"ThEn I DoN't WaNt aNy!" He says crossing his arms, swaying side to side from dizziness.

"You know what?" said Chris "How about we stop at a cafe and have some breakfast?" He seems pretty happy about that idea ,but I really don't want to stop right now.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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