Start from the beginning

At the same time in another country, Niall re-listened the tape; his body shaking in pain and tears streaming down his cheeks. He couldn't believe that Harry had been playing him. He only loved Sierra, he never cared about him, he only acted, so they defiantly get a divorce. And now he has it and he can raise his baby with his stupid fiancé.

Fiancé? Niall looked on his ring finger where there still was a ring that Harry put on his finger. How could he look me in the eyes and do all the things that he did to me.

"Babe, are you ready? Your parents will be over soon, they have missed you!" Louis cheerful voice echoed through the doors as Niall felt resentment form in his body: he knew that he needed to hate on Harry, but he felt hate towards Louis. Niall would have been happier if he never found out what Harry really thinks about him, but it's not like Louis cared about that; he only cared about himself.

"Yeah. Just a second." Niall murmured and went into the bathroom to wash his face. He really didn't want to stay with Louis, but he was so broken and he didn't want to stay alone; but he also didn't want to stay with Louis. He was fucked.

So he did what he can and washed up; plastered a fake smile and went downstairs where he heard his mother's cheerful chatter with Louis while his dads voice was not present. But when he walked around the corner he saw his dad rolling his eyes at Louis; Bobby never liked him.

"Niall, son! Finally? Haven't seen you in almost half a year!" Bobby smiled and engulfed his son in a hug; he felt the tension in his shoulders and how he radiated sadness; but he wouldn't ask about it now.

"Hey, dad! Ma!" Niall said with a. Fake smile and got out of his dad's arms to go and hug his mum; who didn't let him go for few seconds; but when she did, then Louis wrapped his hand around Niall's waist; without giving him a chance to get away; his finger digging into Niall's side.

"You look so thin, did you eat in London?" Maura said in a hurry and half of her body was already in the kitchen; cooking up some of Niall's favourite foods.

"Why don't you go and help her, Louis." Bobby asked Louis in a stern voice; seeing his fingers digging into his sons side; not liking it one bit.

"I think that she would call me if there would be a need in helping her." Louis said with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

"And I think that you should go and help her, now." Bobby didn't have to yell; never. If he said anything in his angry voice; it was enough to make shivers run down anybody's body.

"Fine. I love you, Ni." Louis said with a big smile when he turned towards Niall and his smile grew even faker when Niall didn't answer and he had to push his fingers deeper into Niall's side.

"I-I love you." Niall wanted to cry; but he felt that Louis has changed and if he would cry; there would be consequences.

Bobby watched as Louis mistreated his son and he wanted to punch him; but he managed to calm down enough so he could go up to his son when he was alone.

"Let's go for a small walk, shall we?" Bobby asked Niall and his son looked at him with his big lost eyes.

Niall bowed his head yes and both of them slid out the house quietly; noticed by nobody.

"Has that Tomlinson kid been mistreating you, Niall?" Bobby asked in a dominant voice; he was a Alfa man and he would never let anybody hurt his child; no matter the age of a child.

"It's complicated dad." Niall said in a whisper; he was afraid to leave Louis; he didn't want to be a lone and he didn't know what he would do.

"Well then un-complicate it for me, please." Bobby laughed sadly. He knew his son and he never was so quite and shy.

Niall took a deep breath and looked at his dad.

"Then let's go to a pub; it's a long story." Niall smiled sadly and led his dad to a small bar where they drank some beer and Niall told him everything.

He told him about Vegas and finding out that he is married. He told him how he met his "husband" and what a jerk he was and also how gentle he could be and how much Niall loved him. But he also told his dad about how Harry broke his heart and how protective and lunatic Louis is now.

"And I am afraid to leave him. I am afraid to be alone and never finding anybody." Niall downed his beer and looked at his dad with sad eyes.

"But what about that Harry fella? I feel like somethings not clean here. It sounded like he really loves you." Bobby took new glasses of beer from waiter and looked at Niall with a questioning gaze.

"He played me. He just wanted to show everybody that he tried for this stupid thing, because he didn't like to loose and disobey rules." Niall felt his chest tighten, because he also thought that Harry loves him, but everybody makes mistakes.

"Maybe things sometimes are different than they seem. Call him." Bobby took Niall's phone and tried to unblock it.

"No, dad! He probably doesn't want to talk to me. He hasn't even called me." Niall said sadly.

"Open!" Bobby gave Niall his phone back and waited for him to unlock it, before he scrolled through the contacts. "Maybe he isn't calling you, because you blocked him?"

"No the fuck I didn't!" Niall basically screamed as he snatched his phone back and started at his phone in shock.

"I think that maybe you should overthink what Louis is telling you and not trust a voice recording." Bobby finished his drink and put his jacket on and waited for Niall to do the same; before Niall sprinted back home.

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