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"Harry, you need to go back to work. You can't keep doing this to yourself." Liam said carefully as he opened curtains that were blocking the midday sun from going into Harry's room; which actually was the room in which Niall stayed. His bed still vaguely smelling like him.

"What's the point, Liam?" Harry growled as he felt unpleasant emotions when sun hit his tired and still a bit drunken eyes.

"There are so many points, Harry. But if you don't care about yourself then please think about all your workers that can loose their jobs." Liam said next to Harry and passed him a glass of cold water and Advil. "I try to do your tasks, but I am not as knowing as you are."

Harry understood that he is doing a bad things, but he was just so tired and heartbroken. He wanted to drink and sleep and hope that Niall would come back. But that probably would never happen.

"And let me remind you that you have a baby on the way. He or she will need your help." Liam's words hit Harry in the heart; he was so egotistical. He will be a dad and he should be helping Sierra. She is all alone right now and it must not be easy to go through the pregnancy alone.

"You are right. I can't sulk on Niall my whole life." Harry sat up with a growl; his body aching from all the days that he has spent drunk. "But first I need a shower."

As Harry limbed into the bathroom and turned on the shower tap; his phone started to ring quietly. Lima usually wasn't a nosy person, but this time he wanted to check and he did; only to notice that it was Niall that was calling.

See, Liam knew that it wasn't his place to meddle, but he really wanted to keep his friend safe and right now Harry was broken beyond compare; so he did something that made him uncomfortable; he declined Niall's call and deleted the call from the history and then blocked Niall's number; he knew that he was doing something that he shouldn't, but he would risk anything to keep Harry safe.

"He declined; of course he did." Niall said in a panicked voice as he was running around Louis apartment gathering all of his belongings while his parents helped.

"Niall, please, listen to me." Louis tried to beg as he was running after Niall.

"No! You lied to me! I know that I went behind your back. But it's not like you send me there alone! It's kinda hard not to fall in love with someone that actually gives me a time of their day!" Niall screamed in Louis face.

"You know that I have to work. I have to do it to get promoted and get a life that we deserve, that you deserve!" Louis said in despair; afraid that he had already lost his everything.

"Work isn't the priority, Louis. Family is." With those last words Niall was out of their house and shuffling to his fathers car. His phone out of his pocket and a flight to London booked within seconds.

Niall chewed on his fingernails as he waited for his flight to be called, but it didn't happen. Even longer time passed and suddenly there was a loud announcement.

"Dear passengers from flight EF5032 to London. We are sad to inform that do to bad weather conditions we are forced to delay or even cancel the flight. Please wait for further notice."

"You gotta be kidding me." Niall screamed as he ran to the information desk where he also got a polite answer - Mrs we really can't do anything about this. There is a storm over the sea!

"Stupid weather. Why isn't Harry picking up." Niall tried and tried to call and text Harry, but he didn't get a reply. He knew that he fucked up, but surely there was something that he could do, right?

Niall tried to call Liam and finally somebody picked up his phone.

"Hi, Liam! Thank god, can you pass me Harry if he is around?" Niall felt a lot lighter. Like a weight was taken of his shoulders.

"No, I can't." Liam said in a hushed tone which implied to Niall that Harry was near by. "Stop trying to call him. He doesn't need to be hurt anymore."

"But, Liam-" Niall wa stopped by the line going dead. He was so angry. So damn angry. How does Liam dare to keep him away from Harry.

"It doesnt matter, I will find another way to get to him." Niall muttered under his breath as he went outside into the storm and jumped in the first cab that he could find.


Hello, my Little Love's!

A super short filler chapter before the Last chapter! 🙈

This is the end for the story, but don't worry!

This is not the END! This is not the END! We can make it! 😁

I will start to finish Ecxtasy and other stories that are un finished and then start new ones!
But heads up - the un-finished stories will have +/- 3 chapters and no more, because I want them to be done.

Lots of Love - M🥀

VEGAS ~ NARRY ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant