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1) Your partners favourite colour?
2) Your partners least favourite colour?
3) A song that your partners could listen every minute for the rest of his/her life?
4) A song that makes your partner think about you?
5) What fears does your partner have?
6) What is your partners favourite thing about you?
7) Your partners favourite body part of yours?
8) A moment in your partners life that he never wants to forget?
9) What is your partners dreams?
10) What does your partner look like when he sleeps?

Niall read's through the questions and he didn't understand the importance of them; they were pretty silly if you asked him; how could they help with their situation.

He just wanted to tear up the paper or just pretend that he lost it; he can't ask Harry these questions; then he will have to cook for him and that bastard ain't gonna get that.

Niall's thoughts were interrupted by a quite knock on the door; Niall decided to ignore the problem; maybe then it will go away.

Another knock; and another, and another; until Niall had it enough and pulled the door open to reveal a sad looking Harry; he cleared his throat as he avoided any eye contact with the blond.

"We. We n-need to get through these questions." Harry's voice shook; it never did that; why did it do that right now?

"Okey." Niall said quietly and watched as Harry turned around and with heavy steps walked down to the living room; Niall close behind.

Both of the lads were sitting on different chairs in different sides of the room; trying to make as big of a distance as possible; they didn't want to be close; or maybe they actually did and that is why they needed to have a space between them.

"So..." Niall started slowly; not knowing what to say.

"So..." Harry said the same thing and looked at his feet; not daring to look up at Niall; afraid of looking at him and feeling the tingles that he gets when he looks at him.

"We can't really do these questions, ey?" Niall finally spoke up; but averted his gaze to the fireplace; it was beautiful; looked ancient and Niall really didn't care about it; but he just couldn't look at Harry.

"That would mean breaking several rules." Harry said in a low whisper; he hated to break rules; rules shouldn't be broken.

"And we can't be each other's servants at the same time, now can't we?" Niall said in a voice that finally had a hint of humour in it; Niall could break rules; he thought that they were meant to be broken.

"We can make a preposition." Harry finally looked up at Niall and so did the blond; their eyes met and there it was; the tingle of the body and the tremble of the heart.

"What do you suggest?" Niall found it hard to speak when he was gazing into Harry's eyes; even from another corner of the room; he could see how beautifully green they were.

"We can answer the questions which would be breaking one rule; so as we both do it; we cook together. So let's try to not be too friendly, ok?" Harry tried to look away from the intense stare that Niall was giving him; but it was so damn hard. Sierra's eyes were also blue; but they didn't even stand close to the vibrant colour of Niall's eyes; they were mesmerising.

"Okey." Niall whispered; not aware that his voice didn't even try; it just barely managed to speak.

"Good." Harry said softly.

"Good." Niall stood up and walked over to where Harry was sitting; he sat down to the couch; mere inches apart from Harry; their eyes never breaking the contact.

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