love me love me

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As they got to set after dropping Talula off at school, and Darby, Sullivan, And Juliette off at daycare, everyone was waiting outside to greet them. "Congrats on the first day back McDreamys!" Justin said as they got out of the car, "Did he just call us 'The McDreamys'?" Patrick said smiling looking at Ellen, "I think its cause they know we had some pretty McDreamy sex last night" Ellen said winking, "Again tonight?" Patrick said raising his eyebrows jokingly, "Oh you know it, anything for you McDreamy." She said as they finally started to walk inside, "We do NOT need to know about your sex life!" Jessica said as she followed them walking in, "Oh so you guys dont want anymore of our McDreamy babies?" Patrick said, "No, I mean yes, Your daughter is a very dreamy baby, but not yet." Jessica said. Today they were filming the shooting scene, a lot of preparation and multiple table reads of the same script went into this episode, more special effects artists then usual, and even cops on standby.

"Hey Dempsey, how was last night after I left?" Kate came up to him and said because she wasnt outside when they arrived, "Oh it was very nice. Thank you!" He said giving that 'I had alot of good sex' Smirk, "Oh... Ohhh.. I see, well i hope you guys had fun." Kate said, "Oh we did, Lots of fun." He laughed looking at his script, "Well, im gonna go talk to your wife because i dont want to hear about the sex you get to have and i dont!" Kate said, "Oh, well shes gonna talk about the good sex too." Patrick said as Kate walked away. A few hours later Ellen came up to Patrick with an idea, "I have an idea, since we get a break from filming because its the end of the season, we should take a trip! Like with everyone. The main cast." Ellen said, "Well thats a great idea! What about our kids." Patrick said smiling, "Shit, I didnt think about them, ummm, how about I have my sister come watch them? Shes done it before and she adores them." Ellen said, "Sure, should we talk to them about it now or later." Patrick said, "Now, wait, where are we even gonna go?" Ellen said, "Youre getting ahead of yourself El, I can tell youre anxious to get away. How about like the Virgin Islands?" Patrick said, "Sounds great lets do it!" Ellen said smiling, kissing him and them walking away.

"Hey guys, Patrick and I have an idea. Would you guys like to come on a trip to the Virgins with us?" Ellen said to Kate, Jessica, Sara, Chandra, Sandra, Justin, Chyler and Eric, "Were gonna leave at the end of next week, so about 2 weeks." Patrick added, They all said they would love to. This was gonna be fun, Ellen said to herself. She was nervous to leave Juliette again, but she had a good feeling everything was gonna be fine. "Trailer, Now. You know you wanna." Patrick said walking past Ellen raising his eyebrows and smiling, walking fast so it wasn't obvious, but Ellen knew, "Oh you bet your ass i do." She said racing him. As they got in, She slammed the door, never releasing their lips, Patrick was already hard, he ripped off her shirt, closed the blinds, and lifted her up to sit on the counter, Running his hands through her beautiful soft hair. She started unbuttoning his navy blue shirt, and unbuttoned his black jeans. He could hear her moaning slightly in his ear. "Faster patty." She said as he picked up his thrust speed, they heard a knock at the door, but thought it was the trailer next to them.

The trailer door opened, it was Kate, "Oh shit- Um, ill leave." Kate said as she opened the door, "Kate!!" Ellen said making Patrick lay on her so she couldnt see anything, "I was just wondering if you guys have any more scenes today, but Ill go. You guys sound like youre having fun." Kate said laughing at them, "Oh we are." Patrick said laughing, "Nice boob El!" Kate said laughing as she left and locked the door behind her, "Oh my god- did we just get walked in on." Patrick said, "We did." Ellen said letting out a big laugh, "Keep going!" Ellen said. 3 Hours later, they were finally done and realized they should probably go get their kids, "Shit its been 3 hours?! Its already 2 we need to go get T!" Ellen said looking at her phone, They got up and left right away. As they pulled up to Talulas school they couldnt tell her any different from any other kids, they all wore uniforms. "Hey T! How was school?" Patrick asked as Talula got in the car, "Did you make anything cool?" Ellen added, "It was good, And no mom, Nothing for you to put on the fridge." Talula said as she rolled her eyes and laughed.

As they pulled into their driveway after picking up the 3 little kids, Darby said, "Its my birfday, whens the cake." "Oh darby, In a little bit!" Ellen said looking at Patrick and laughing. They had some amazing chocolate cake around 6pm, followed by present opening, and a movie. "Goodnight Sul, Dont leave your crib tonight!" Ellen said tucking in her boys, "You too Darby." Patrick added as they shut off the light and walked out. "They really need big boy beds." Patrick said, "Oh trust me, Ive been looking for them, i just cant find ones that match their furniture." Ellen said walking into T's room, "Time for bed T, Love you so much sweet girl." Ellen said kissing her forehead, "Goodnight sweetie, I love you." Patrick said, "Goodnight, I love you guys." Talula said laying deeper into her bed. "Now Juliette. This is like a chore!" Patrick said, "And you want more?" Ellen said raising her eyebrows smiling, "Duh. You?" Patrick said, "Obviously." Ellen said.

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