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"Alright everyone. Hope you all are doing well." Professor Slughorn said with an awkward laugh as he glanced at Lilith from time to time.

"We will be working on making Amortentia as we have been discussing for the past few weeks." Slughorn continued.

Lilith looked over at Tom who had stopped looking at her and was now having to deal with a girl flirting with him.

"Now, we've seen and observed these potions and we know that these are very powerful potions, indeed." Slughorn said, looking back at Tom and Lilith.

"I'll bet you a galleon that one of the girls will use Amortentia on Tom." Abraxas whispered to Avery.

"You're on." Avery whispered back.

"I will partner you guys into a group of three. First off, Caspian Lovegood, Elizabeth Duval, and Damien Hearty." Slughorn said as they grouped up.

"Tom Riddle, Lilith Rosenyx, and Abraxas Malfoy." Slughorn flashed a worrying smile to Lilith that she took as a, "Good luck"

Lilith expected her and Tom to be partnered up but not Abraxas.

Lilith joined Abraxas and Tom at a table and sat right in the middle of them.

Tom looked at Abraxas with a deathly stare as Lilith took out the ingredients.

"Do any of you have rose thorns?" Lilith asked which sparked their attention.

Tom and Abraxas looked at each other deathly before Abraxas turned away.

"Yeah. I've got plenty." Abraxas said, handing Lilith rose thorns and grazing her hand lightly. His hand was cold and his pinky touched her longer as he dragged his hand away.

Lilith turned to work on the potion when Tom grabbed her wrist as she was about to put in pearl dust.

Lilith looked at Tom, shocked at how fast his reflexes were.

"You did it wrong." Tom said, swatting her hand away and pushing her aside so he could work on the potion instead.

Lilith shrugged and saw Tom add more peppermint than he was supposed to.

"That's not in the instructions." Abraxas said, folding his arms and scoffing.

"Of course it's not. Sometimes we need to break the rules Malfoy." Tom said, straightening up and looking directly at Abraxas.

"I'm fully aware of that Riddle." Abraxas said, standing tall.

The rest of the potion making was awkward and tense. Tom and Abraxas would glance at each other threateningly as Lilith tried to make conversation to finish her task faster.

"Alright everyone. I hope you have all concocted a stable batch of Amortentia. The winner will get a bottle of Felix Felicis which is a new tradition of mine." Slughorn said with a laugh as a student awkwardly laughed.

Slughorn went around observing potions. One blew up in his face which gave them an automatic fail. He got to Lilith's group and looked delighted.

"Marvelous! This group has the best batch of Amortentia! Merlin, one drop of this and someone outta be in love, alright." Slughorn said, clapping his hands together.

"Now, I want you all to smell it and share what you smelled." Slughorn said, backing away.

Lilith went first and she couldn't really smell anything. The whole room just smelled like expensive cologne, mint, and books which she would assume every rich Slytherin smelled like and the class consisted of Slytherins. But there was something different. It smelled like metal and cigarettes which she hated. She couldn't think of anyone she knew that was a smoker.

"It just smells normal to me." Lilith said as Slughorn knitted his eyebrows.

"Odd. Abraxas, you next." Slughorn said.

Abraxas bent down and smelled it. His face was full of different emotions.

"It smells like roses mixed with vanilla, and peppermint. It also smells a lot like fresh bread and rain. I'm not sure how I could smell all of that in one single batch of Amortentia." Abraxas said looking at Slughorn who was overjoyed.

Lilith furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Abraxas who was clenching his jaw. He was more frustrated than she had expected but he still looked spectacular.

His sleeves were rolled up and his hair was unkept with slightly wavy strands in front of his eyes before he brushed it back with his fingers, making it slick back again before it returned to its messy state. His robe was off and all Lilith could see was his arms through the white shirt that clung to him. He was a work of art.

"Mr. Malfoy. You smell what or who you desire so it can always be many different combinations." Slughorn clarified.

Slughorn looked over at Tom who held a calm look on his face. He wasn't curious on who or what he smelled at all.

Tom smelled something and he knew it. It wasn't the smell of muggle's blood or what power would smell like. It was the smell of something sweet but tart.

"And with that, three vials of Felix Felicis to this intelligent group over here. Round of applause everyone." Slughorn said, clapping loudly as the room scattered in applause.

"Blimey, look at the time. I'm in a good mood so class dismissed." Slughorn said as the class lifted their heads up in relief.

Lilith was about to leave when Tom grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

Lilith yanked her hand away and looked at a threatening Tom Riddle.

"I'd recommend staying out of my way. I don't know what you're up to but if I find it out, I will hold it against you." Tom said under his breath so only Lilith could hear.

"I don't take orders from anyone. Let go." Lilith stared right at his eyes, feeling his grasp around her wrist loosen and drop. She left without another word, leaving Tom at the desk.

She paced out of the dungeons and through the crowds of arrogant couples that chose to make out in the hallway for the public to see.

"Lilith!" A voice called after her.

Lilith stopped and turned around to see Abraxas Malfoy walking towards her.

He had taken off his robe and vest so now he was in an white Oxford shirt and a Slytherin tie. His hair was exceptionally messy and his cheeks were pink.

"Yes?" Lilith said, quite annoyed at the interuption.

"You already know that there's a party tonight but there's a section for the important Slytherins. So here's the password and maybe I'll see you there." Abraxas said breathless, giving her a folded piece of parchment.

Lilith looked at him in shock. She bit her lip and looked down.

Lilith saw the way Tom looked at Abraxas with fury and she brought her head up.

"Sure, why not?" Lilith gave in and Abraxas smiled.

"See you there." Abraxas whispered in her ear and then left.

Lilith smiled and looked at a group of girls who were looking at her and whispering.

"Are you Malfoy's new slut?" One of them called out.

"Go suck a dick you whores." Lilith yelled at them and then flipped them off which made people avert their gaze away from her.

Tom stood in the shadows. He saw seen everything he needed to see and hear.

Abraxas Malfoy broke the rules.

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