Can you feel the gayness?

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"Are those matching hoodies?"


"So, so gay....."


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3rd Person POV:

It's been 30 minutes since Kenma and Kuroo arrived and all they've been doing so far is eating snacks and conversing in conversation. Hinata has been with Kageyama talking with Suga and Daichi, so Kenma was following Kuroo around everywhere he goes. Eventually Kenma goes to look for Suga.

"Hey Suga....can I talk to you for a moment?" Kenma shyly asks Suga.

"Sure can do!" Suga says, jumping up from his spot on the couch and walking into the corner of the room.

"So what's up Kenma?"

"Ummm, I kinda need advise on something...." Kenma quietly states.

"Oooh, you came to the right person for that! What kind of advice do you need?"

"Uh....relationship advise."

"Ah okay! So spill! Let me guess, this has something to do with your caption over there?Who just so happens to be the one singing the periodic table song...." Suga asks, pointing towards Kuroo.

"...yeah.." Kenma says embarrassed.

"Okay, so what's up?"

"Um, well I him."

"Kenma. Honey. That is painfully obvious." Suga says, holding Kenma by the shoulders.

"What!? It is!" Kenma says suprised.

"Kenma, you've been following him around like a lost puppy all day, and don't think I haven't noticed that you named your favourite character in your game after him."

"Oh..uh I guess it kinda is obvious..."

"Don't worry! I'll help you. I will have to share this information with Tendō though. He and I already have some couples to get together."

"You do? Who are they?"

"Wellll, the main reason we're having this sleepover is so we can get Semi and Shirabu to realise how gay they are for eachother. We also have Tendō and Ushijima, Me and Daichi and nowwww, you and Kuroo!"

"You and Daichi aren't together yet?!" Kenma asks surprised.

"No. Why does everyone think that?"

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