Ep 1 Part 2 Becoming: part 1

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A/N :  Ok part 2. im sorry its taking so long to get the first Ep out of the way, i'm trying not to make the chapters to long. I'll start working on the next part right away now that this one is posted. Have fun reading                                                  ~Pinky-chan  :)

y/n's POV

I wake up from a great dream when I hear my alarm. I groan and roll over, covering my head with my pillow, really not wanting to go to school today. I hear mumbling coming from beside the bed, but I just ignore it and begin drifting back to sleep. I feel a sharp tug of the blanket and am then left shivering with just the pillow on my head. I groan again and sit up, letting the pillow fall on my lap and look to the side of the bed. There stands my wonderful and loving twin sister, Claire, with a scowl on her face. "Get up. We're going to be late," she says, already heading for the door. "I'm going to school with Jim today, remember?" I yelled after her. I saw her sigh from my bed, then leave. When the door closed I hop out of bed and get dressed for the day.

 When the door closed I hop out of bed and get dressed for the day

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                    ( your outfit. You can change it if you want this is just a cute option i found.)

Once I was dressed, I rushed to the kitchen, grabbed a piece of toast, and said bye. I was out the door as quick as a flash and already on my bike. I quickly peddled off towards Jim's house. When I got there, I saw Tobby already waiting. "Hey, y/n. We're just waiting on Jim now." he said, waving at me. "we're going to be late." I said after going to stand next to him. Just then, we saw the garage door open. "ugh, racoons." I heard Jim say. I walked over to help with the trash. "You're late for school, Jimbo," Tobby said while putting on his helmet. I looked over at him when we finished with the trash. He was wearing his usual yellow shirt with a red sleeveless sweater vest and khaki pants. " Sorry, Tobes. I was busy with lunches. One for me, one for mom, one for y/n, and...." He handed us each a lunch bag. " Thanks," I said cheerfully taking it.

Tobby opened his bag and started listing off ingredients. I wasn't really paying attention because I was looking at Jim. He was wearing his usual blue jacket and jeans. " What's life without a little adventure? Right y/n?" I heard him say as I was pulled from my trance. " Ya, right," I say blushing a little from being caught staring. " I can't eat this. I'm on a diet." Tobby was saying, trying to give the bag back.

"You've been on a diet for the past 14 years, Tobes."

"I know" he answered Jim

"Your 15." I pointed out

" Longterm goals. My body is still changing"

I was laughing as we rode off, Tobby falling a little behind. " I'm right behind." He was saying through pants. " It's eight'o clock" I yelled from the front of the group. All of us speed up " We're gonna get suspended on account of meatloaf." Tobby was saying from the back. " Calm down. We'll make it." I yelled to him. " Take the canal, guys. It'll save us five minutes." Jim yelled from beside me. We both took a right onto a dirt path. " Not the canal." Tobby whined. "oh, live a little." I yelled back to him, laughing. Jim and I both jumped a hill and stared racing down.

" It's living I'm worried about." I heard him yell.

" Come on, Tobs. Don't you ever want a little more excitement?" Jim asked.

Tobby laughed, " No!"

I started laughing as Jim and I both jumped into the canal at the same time. Time seemed to stop as we look at each other and smiled, a dreamy look on my face. We skid to a halt as our bikes hit the concrete and looked back for Tobs. " Come on, Tobs!" I yelled. Beside me, Jim started to look around like someone called his name.

" Did you say something?" he asked. " No. Are you ok?" I replied. Just then, Tobby came rolling down the hill at high speeds. I saw Jim setting down his bike as I walked over to help Tobby. I winced as he fell on his face, rushing over to make sure he was ok.

" Ha, how awesome are we?!" he asked.

I rolled my eyes, laughing.

"Awesome!" He answered himself in a sing song voice.

I slowly helped him up as Jim walked over to a big pile of rocks. After I was sure Tobby was fine, I ran over to Jim. " hey, hey, guys. Did you hear that voice?" He asked in a hushed tone, leaning over the pile. " What voice?" I asked, looking around worriedly. We all jump back, gasping, as we hear a strange voice call out Jim's name. Jim moved in front of me, putting his arm out, in case there was any danger.

The voice called out his last name and he quickly started crawling back towards the pile, holding my hand and making sure I stay a little behind him. " Tha.... that pile of rocks knows my name." he stuttered. " It's a pile of casespare. Minerals don't talk." Tobby corrected, looking confused. " There's got to be a walkie- talkie in here or something," I said, digging through the pile. I lifted a small rock and we all stared in awe at a strange blue and silver amulet sitting in the pile of rocks. Jim picked it up slowly while I leaned over his shoulder to get a better look.

" Hmm, looks like an amulet," he said softly.

" whos doing this!" Tobs yells in the background. " Come out now."

" It's so cool," I said from beside Jim.

" Hello. I'm listening." He said, holding the amulet up to his ear.

We all jump as we hear a loud bell. " Ah, first bell," I yelled, running to my bike. "We're so late our kids are going to have detention," Tobes yelled. " Come on, come on, guys. We can still make it." Jim yells to us, riding off, the amulet in his pocket. " I'm right behind," Tobs yelled as we speed away.


As we race to the school a pair of yellow eyes watch from the drain in the shadows. Slowly it opens 6 eyes and comes closer to the light. Soon you can make a big red nose and blue hands gripping the bars of the sewer drain, revealing it to be a light blue troll. " It chose..... a human!" It said, shocked.


A/N : ok finally done. 1155 words,  that's pretty shocking for me but i'm happy i finally got this done. the next update should hopefully be out tomorrow.         thanks for reading  ~Pinky-chan 

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