Ep 1 Part 4 Becoming part 1

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" That was awesome, man. Did you see how I did that chant? Let him out! Let him out!" Tobby was saying as we rode our bikes down the road. " Ya, That was so cool, but you probably won't live past Friday. Good thing your mom is a doctor." I added as his mom drove past us. " Hey boys. And y/n," she said. " Hey, mom," Jim said. " Looking sharp, doctor Lake," Tobs said, sliding past the window. " Thank you Tobby, so do you," she said back. " Oh, does it show?" he asked, looking at himself. I laughed after giving her a small wave. " You gonna be out all night?" Barbara looks tired as she answers, "Dr Gilberg is out with bursitis, & Dr Lenz has a wedding out of town this weekend."

" Ok, well don't forget to bring you..." She holds up a paper bag as she interrupts her son, "Dinner. Thank you." Jim smiles at his mother as he continues to mother her. "Right. And try to find an oven to reheat it in instead of nuking. It takes all of the flavour & nutrients away." "Jim, there must be a million things you'd rather be doing than looking after me." I look back and forth as the exchange continues. "Can't think of one," jim reassured his mom. "Love you, honey. Bye Toby, Y/N." "Bye, mom," Jim looks on as Barbara pulls the car away. "Bye, Ms Lake." Toby and I wave as she drives away.

Toby looks over at Jim," You mother your mother a lot." I laugh as Jim answers, " Ha. See you tomorrow, Tobes." Toby turns to head to his house not far away, "Hey, and by the way, don't use mayo on the sandwich. It's the wrong note." Jim and I laugh before he turns to me, " So, you heading home now? Not that I want you to leave or anything. I mean it's fine if you want to stay and study for a while." He stammers as he rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment, a dark blush covering his cheeks. I laugh as I ride slowly past him toward his house, " I can stay for a while."

                    ---------------------------------Time Skip--------------------------------

Jim and I are sitting in the living room watching TV and going over notes when Jim's phone starts to ring, " I am gun robot. Pick up your phone." I laugh as Jim answers and we both hear Tobes on the other side. " Did it talk again? Did it do anything interesting?" We look at the amulet sitting on the edge of the table before Jim answers, " Nope." I take the phone as I stare intently at the amulet." Nothing has changed. I'm starting to think we imagined the voice." Toby sounds surprised when he hears my voice, " Wait, Y/N? You're at Jim's house."

Just then we hear another voice from the phone, Toby's Nana, call for him. "Toby pie. Dinner!" Jim and I wince from the sudden loud noise. "In a minute, Nana!" Toby yells just as loud before turning his attention back to us, "I've got to go. Text me if it does anything cool." "Will do, talk to you later Tobes." I hang up the phone as Jim flips through channels on the TV, his eyes wandering back to the amulet after a minute.

Jim grabs the amulet and starts talking to it as I watch silently, trying not to laugh. "Um... Hi. How are you doing? I'm Jim. But then, you knew that because you spoke my name, which is... weird. Hello? Anybody in there?" Letting out a huff of frustration Jim let his arm fall as I burst out laughing. "And now, I'm talking to an inanimate object. Come on! Talk again, or you are going up on eBay." I take the amulet out of his hand and sit next to him still laughing softly. " Don't worry Jim. We'll figure out what this thing is when the time is right. Everything happens for a reason and at a certain time." I smile reassuringly at him as I set my hand on his. We looked at each other for what felt like hours before a loud clattering from the basement made us both jump.

Jim set the amulet down on the table and headed to the door. The sounds continue and Jim grabs the broom, " Raccoons." He says it with disgust before turning back to me," stay behind me." I nod as we slowly descend the stairs. As we both walk further into the room I notice some rocks by the heater from behind Jim. We walk a little more into the room and I reach for the light. I hear Jim let out a small scream and turn around to see his reflection. I laugh as I head back toward him and grab his hand. He relaxes a little before the light goes out for no reason. We both jump and Jim hugs me closer to him as he looks around.

Im a blushing mess by the time Jim deems it safe and lets's go. "Stay close to me," He keeps his hand in mine as I nod my head at his command. The two of us walk closer to the heater to inspect the rocks I saw earlier. I get a strange feeling we are being watched, so I turn around slowly. I squeak in panic, not able to scream, as I see a giant blue creature smiling excitedly in front of me. "Master Jim!" It exclaims excitedly as Jim screams and pulls me away from it. Jim keeps screaming while backing away, pulling me closer to him as he accidentally hits his head a few times in the panic.

"Maser Jim! We have found you." The blue creature exclaims once more as we back up in a different direction, Jim holding me a little behind him. I stop suddenly as I feel a large stone-like arm blocking us from going back. We both look up to see a much larger creature covered in what looked like moss. Jim starts to freak out again as I just stared in curiosity. The blue one spoke again as if he didn't see Jim freaking out. " I am known as Blinky." The big one gave a small wave and a 'hi'. I waved back with a welcoming smile. The monsters didn't seem hostile so I figured we would be fine. Jim screamed again after looking up at the big guy. "It's Aaarrrgghh. Three Rs." He corrected after hearing Jim scream like a girl for the tenth time.

Feeling cornered, Jim backs up into the furnace, burning the surface of his skin and causing him to move in between the two trolls. As they get closer, Jim drops to the floor with a scream. I look at him in disappointment as Aaarrrgghh looks at me, "Hmm. He says... Aaaaa ...a lot." Aaarrrgghh mimics one of Jim's screams as he looks very confused. "It's more of a yelp, I believe. A greeting, perhaps." They scream to greet Jim but it causes another scream to erupt from Jim's raw throat. As Jim gets up to run, Aaarrrgghh grabs his legs and dangles him upside down as Blinky steps closer. Jim covers his eyes as his body trembles.

As all of this is happening I fall to the floor laughing. The two of them look questioningly at me before deciding to just ignore me for now.

Blinky looks at Jim's terrified face, "Master Jim, you have been chosen." Aaarrrgghh Interupsts him,"Hmm. Blinky, he looks scared." Blinky looks up at Aaarrrgghh confused before he seemed to understand. "Uh, Aaarrrgghh, my good fellow, would you mind? This is a moment of some solemnity." This just confuses Aaarrrgghh, "Hmm? Solembily?" Blinky tries to explain but it gets him nowhere. "It means serious and dignified." "Hmm. Dig-oo-nified?" Jim finally dares to speak again. "P-P-Put me down, please?" After watching this exchange for a while Im practically in tears.

Aaarrrgghh finally understands what Jim wants and puts him down gently, patting his head after he was standing again. I laugh again as Jim stands there scared out of his mind. Now that Jim was standing, Blinky continued with what he was saying earlier before Aaarrrgghh interrupted him again, "Master Jim, you have been chosen. The Amulet of Daylight challenges you to ascend to the most sacred of offices." "Orifices? What orifices?" Blinky explains quickly so he can continue. "Offices. It means responsibility. Unbeknownst to your kind, there is a secret world, a vast civilization of trolls lurking beneath your very feet, hidden from view." Now I was starting to get Intrigued, but I could tell Jim was still too scared to understand most of what the blue guy was saying. "Tro- Trolls." Jim was stuttering in fear as he stood there in shock.

"Trolls. Yes, trolls. And it is now your charge to protect them. For you, Master Jim, are the Trollhunter." Blicky continued as Jim yelped in surprise and I leaned in to hear more about this. Jim just stands there shocked as Aaarrrgghh repeats Blinky, " Trollhunter." " This honour is yours to accept. So, what do you say?" Blinky looks at Jim expectantly but he doesn't answer. Jim's eyes roll to the back of his head and he passes out. I slide in to catch him at the last second and place his head on my lap.

Aaarrrgghh looks at Blinky confused," Is that a yes?"


Sorry, it took so long again for this chapter, but I finally got it done. Don't be afraid to leave a comment if you have any ideas for future chapters. Thanks for reading

~ pinky-chan

trollhunters: tails of arcadia  ( Jim x reader )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon