Chapter 13: Patroness Is Born

Start from the beginning

"If you're in there, I'd like you to know that I agree with every word you said. We are the future." Erik says to Shaw who's still frozen in place. "But unfortunately, you killed my mother... and my sister's." 

Erik holds up the coin that Shaw had given to him as a boy, after Shaw had killed his mother for failing to move it with his power. 

"This is what we're going to do." Erik explains.

"No! Please, Erik! No!" Charles screams being able to see everything thats happening through Shaw's eyes.

"I'm going to count to three. And I'm going to move the coin." Erik explains to shaw. "One."

"Please, Erik!" Charles pleads as the coin starts levitating closer to Shaw.

"Two." Erik continues counting. "Three."

The coin then enters Shaw's forehead, passing through his brain and comes out at the end of his head all while Charles screams bloody murder as he's still connected to Shaw and can feel everything he feels including the coin slowly moving through his head.

Once Shaw's lifeless body hits the floor Charles runs out of the jet followed by Moira to see Erik tearing a hole in the submarine and emerging from it victoriously.

As Erik ermerges he floats Shaw's corpse out of the submarine, with bits of metal wrapped around his limbs.

"Today our fighting stops!" Erik says adressing the other Mutants.

Erik drops Shaw's corpse onto the ground below before he floats himself out of the submarine and onto the ground below. 

"Take off your blinders, brothers and sisters. The real enemy is out there." Erik points out at the ships all lining up in front of them. "I feel their guns moving in the water. Their metal, targeting us. Americans, Soviets, humans. United in their fear of the unknown. The Neanderthal is running scared, my fellow mutants! Go ahead, Charles. Tell me I'm wrong."

Charles places his fingers on his head seeing that Erik is in fact telling the truth and the Americans and Soviets are getting ready to attack them. Charles turns and nods at Moira who runs back into the jet frantically trying to contact her collegues but alas gets no response.

All the mutants except for Erik stare out at the ships  in fear and horror as they are fired upon, all sorts of missiles heading staight for them. Erik who doesn't have a single ounce of fear in body extends his arm out and stops the missiles from hitting them and turns the weapons round aiming them back at the humans.

"Erik, you said yourself, we're the better men. This is the time to prove it. There are thousands of men on those ships. Good, honest, innocent men! They're just following orders." Charles pleads trying to change his friend's mind.

"I've been at the mercy of men just following orders. Never again." Erik says coldly before firing the the nuclear weapons back towards the ships.

"ERIK RELEASE THEM!" Charles orders only for Erik to ignore him only staring out the humans that bring him so much anger. 

"NOOOOO!" Charles cries out as he tackles Erik the ground causing a few of the missiles to explode. 

Charles and Erik begin to roll around in the sand fighting each other, Charles trying to take the helmet of Erik, while Erik tries to the missiles moving.

Raven, Hank, Alex and Sean start running over to help Charles only for Erik to lash out and send them flying except for Raven much to her confusion. Erik is then able to hit Charles hard enough for him to be able to get back up and focus on the missiles who near the ships.

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