Meeting Leo Valdez

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       At first, you didn't really like the 'hi's' and the 'hellos', but honestly, they were now starting to grow on you. Everyone someone smiled and waved at you, you would do the same back. Everyone was so kind and excepting here at Camp Half-Blood.

       The Ares kids would also start fights, but you knew better then to back out of a challenge, so you would always snap  'you wanna bet' in there faces. The one mostly doing it was a girl named Clarisse, but you could tell that she liked your confidence. You've seen a lot of campers shut up when she's around, but you'd always challenge her back.

       It's been about five weeks since you've arrived at camp, but it felt like you've been here for much longer.

       You'd hang with Percy and his friends a lot due to you knowing Percy the longest out of anyone, and everyone here. They all seemed nice. 

       Annabeth would stand by Percy, then Piper and Jason, then Nico and Will. Occasionally Hazel and Frank would be there to hang out too. They kept on talking about someone who was always never there. 

       His name was Leo Valdez, and they always said that he's just probably busy with some new project. Although, you did want to meet him.

       After hanging out with Percy and his friends for an hour or two, you'd go down to the lake with a blanket you bought at the gift store there, and would sit down on the beach. The fresh air usually helped relax and calm your mind. 

       This time, when you went to the beach, you ended up not being alone. 

       About half an hour after you arrived, someone else came down. Thinking it was Percy, you say up, and started to say 'hi' but stopped yourself as you say a boy with dark curls, hazel eyes, and a calm collected smile. 

       He noticed you looking at him, and looked down at you. He smiled sincerely, and asked, "You're that new girl, right? Y/n L/n?" You nodded while returning the smile.

       "Yeah, I am. May I ask who you are?" You patted the spot beside you, asking if he wanted to sit.

       "I'm Leo Valdez. Nice to meet you Y/n." He replied while sitting down. 

       "You're the one that Percy and the others talk about." You stated. Leo looked at you.

       "Oh yeah? And what do they say about me?" He asked. You chuckled as you explained what they talk about. 

       "I mean.. I am always building something." He sighed and looked down. You nodded.

       "Don't feel bad though. Sure they miss you, but I think doing the thing you love is also great, you just have to remember to take a break sometimes." You said, your gaze falling back onto the lake as you took some deep breaths.

       You started to have memories of you and your mom on the beach. You two building sand castles, and chasing after crabs, trying to catch them. Even at the age of fifteen you went to the beach with you mom, but ever since that day... 

       You sighed and looked down, a couple years escaping your eyes. Leo felt your sadness and put a hand on your back comfortingly, asking if you were okay.

       You nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay, just.. Remembering some stuff.." You looked at him, and smiled a broken smile. He returned the smile, but instead of it being broken, it practically said 'I'm here for you, don't worry, okay?'

       "If you wanna talk, I'm here. If you don't, I completely understand. We just met and all, so don't feel too pressured." You giggled slightly. "What're you laughing at Ms. Sunny Spot?" He asked playfully. 

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