Camp Half-Blood

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Y/bd - your birthday

       "Wanna come to Camp Half-Blood with me?" 

      Those words stuck to you as you and Percy walked out of the museum, and down the twisting streets of Manhattan. You were stuck in your thoughts, thinking about the events of yesterday, and earlier with Percy. 

       You were snapped out of your thoughts by Percy asking, "Sooo, how old exactly are you?" You weren't really fazed by the question, but it still got your attention. 

       "I'm seventeen turning eighteen in y/bd, why?" You glanced over at Percy who had his hands in his pockets. 

       "That's how old my friends and I are." He paused for a second. "How did you survive so long?" He returned your look. You thought for a moment.

       "I'm not too sure honestly. Like, I said before, my mom had died a couple years ago, and I never knew my dad.. I've been on the run ever since.. I've heard some bad things about foster homes, and never wanted to go to one so here I am.." You looked down, the splits in the cement interesting you more then Percy's soft gaze. 

       You didn't want to admit it, but you were happy that you met Percy. He offered you a home, and a family. You couldn't be happier. 

       "I get what you mean, Y/n, don't worry. I never knew my dad for a while either. You'll know sooner or later, okay?" I wasn't too sure, but I had to trust him, after all, I was going to be living at the same camp as him.

       After another few hours of walking, and taking a couple pit-stops, we made it to a dirt road. Soon, you cam upon a hill with a tall, singular pine tree at the top. Percy started heading up the hill and to the tree. You quickly caught up to him. 

       "Where are we going no-." You stopped yourself from finishing as you looked into the valley below. 

       You were speechless. You didn't know what to think. Below, there was a tall sign that said read 'Camp Half-Blood'. Then, further down, there was a camp full of people. 

       Off to one side was twelve cabins in a 'U' shape, a hearth sitting in the middle of it. Off to the other side, close to the 'Camp Half-Blood' sign, was what looked like an outdoor dining pavilion. A patio outside with twelve tables. In the far back was a canoe lake, and off to the side of that was a rock climbing wall, but this one had lava coming out of it which made you really confused. By the lake was a huge strawberry field.

       There was also an archery rage, armoury, and a gift shop. As you continued to look around, you noticed some cabins scattered around. There was one on the beach, and a couple at the edge of the woods. Whatever was going on, it must've been because they were getting lots of campers. 

       You followed Percy down the hill and to the camp. You really didn't know what to think. 

       The two of you walked through the 'Camp Half-Blood' sign, and once further in, Percy spread his arms out, motioning to the whole camp, and said, "Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, Y/n!" 

       A few campers came to check out who the new arrival was, but Percy shooed them off, and lead you inside. 

       A couple of curly brown haired boys, you assumed they were due to them pretty much looking the same, were pulling pranks on other campers. There were some kids working in the strawberry fields. Everywhere the campers walked, the plays would start growing faster.

      You and Percy walked to the big white building, the Big House, and Percy knocked on the door. A couple minutes later, the door opened to show an elderly man with a white, scruffy beard, and a plaid shirt that smelt like coffee. He was sitting in a wheelchair, under a blanket. 

       'Lucky,' you thought to yourself. It was freezing cold, and you weren't warming up any. Cuddling underneath a warm blanket like that man was really sounded nice. Maybe with some hot cocoa, too.

       "Chiron, I think you'd like to meet someone." You didn't realize you were still standing behind Percy until he moved. You looked at the man in the wheelchair quickly, your cheeks turning a bright shade of pink from embarrassment.

       The man studied you for a second or two, then asked, "You're Y/n, right?" You nodded slightly. He then continued. "Do you understand ywhy you're here?" You nodded again, but didn't speak. You had that feeling of uneasiness again, but this time, it made you feel like you were ready to throw up.

       "I do..." You muttered, looking down. You didn't want to talk about your past or anything like that right now, but you had a sneaking suspicion that you were going to have to sooner or later. You looked back up at the guy.

       "Percy, can you show our new friend around camp? It should be about supper when you're all done, and, of course, that'll most likely be the time she's claimed. If not, then she'll have to sleep in the Hermes cabin, but that shouldn't really be a problem." Percy nodded and turned up you. 

       "So, where do you wanna go first?" He asked, a goofy smile spreading across his face as he tilted his head to the side slightly.

       After the tour of the camp, like that guy had predicted, it was dinner time. A horn blew from somewhere in the distance as you and Percy had just finished up at the canoe lake. 

       You two or to the dining pavilion. Quote a few people were sitting on the ground with pillows or blankets underneath them, but most were seated at the twelve tables. You noticed that Percy sat alone at a table, and felt bad as you say with the Hermes cabin.

       Or, your siblings... 

       As you say down, the Hermes kids looked at you and gasped, causing more people to look over and gasp. You didn't like all the attention, but you were honestly too confused to really do anything about it.

       The elderly guy from earlier wheeled his wheelchair up in front of the table he was seated at and stepped out. You looked in amazement as you soon recognized the half white stallion man up there. Chiron.

       He stomped his hoof a couple of times on the pavement and everyone went silent. "Everyone!" His voice echoed around the quiet pavilion. "Let's give a warm welcome to Y/n! Daughter of Hermes!" 

       There was a chorus of claps, and 'hellos' through the dining tables. You stared in front of you for what seemed like forever until your thoughts were interrupted with the two boys from earlier patting you on the back.

       "Hi! I'm Connor, and this is my twin brother Travis." He gestured toward the look alike. "We're the Hermes cabin councillors. Usually there's only one, but," the Connor kid shrugged, "We're twins so.." You nodded in understandmemt. 

       Being able to find hidden things, hide, steal, anything like that now all made sense to you. You're a daughter of Hermes, God of travelers and thieves.

       I'M SORRY THIS CHAPTER WAS SO SHORT!! I needed to update, and this seemed like a good spot to end at. Also, I'm sorry if you're not a child of Hermes!! It just made the most sense tbh.. Anyway! Hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to vote and comment!! 

       Word count: 1256

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